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<h1 data-aos="fade-down" id="covid-19-sentry">Covid-19 Sentry</h1>
<h1 data-aos="fade-right" data-aos-anchor-placement="top-bottom" id="contents">Contents</h1>
<li><a href="#from-preprints">From Preprints</a></li>
<li><a href="#from-clinical-trials">From Clinical Trials</a></li>
<li><a href="#from-pubmed">From PubMed</a></li>
<li><a href="#from-patent-search">From Patent Search</a></li>
<h1 data-aos="fade-right" id="from-preprints">From Preprints</h1>
<li><strong>UKRN Position on COVID-19 Research</strong> -
UKRN position statement on COVID-19 research. Written by the UKRN Steering Group. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA).
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🖺 Full Text HTML: <a href="https://osf.io/xkvws/" target="_blank">UKRN Position on COVID-19 Research</a>
<li><strong>Understanding the Experiences of COVID-19 Spatial and Social Restrictions Among Young People with Physical Disabilities</strong> -
Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has caused significant social and spatial restrictions. While everyone has felt the impacts of this health crisis, limited evidence is available about the experiences of young individuals with physical disabilities; this group faces many challenges due to the pandemic restrictions, including increased vulnerability, inaccessibility of essential services and increased spatial inequalities within the environment. Aims: This study aimed to gain an insight into the experiences of spatial and social restrictions for young people with disabilities, with a look at understanding the potential impact on wellbeing. Methods and Procedures: In this qualitative study, semi-structured online interviews were completed with a convenience sample of eight people aged between 18-25, with one or more physical disabilities. The interview investigated day-to-day spatial and social activities during the lockdown. A short questionnaire collected demographic and health information. Data was analysed using thematic analysis. Results: The participants responses generated three core themes: 1) Adapting to a new way of life; 2) Dealing with a sense of uncertainty and isolation; 3) Widening the gap of inequality. Within these themes, participants narratives centred around the negative impact of restrictions on socialisation, the emotional toll of virus-related fear and stress, and the increased inequality of guidance and inaccessibility of amenities; participants also described initiating new routines as a coping strategy and the changes to work/college life. Conclusions and Implications: These findings highlight how the pandemic has exacerbated spatial and social inequalities for young people with disabilities, and has had a resulting impact on their overall well-being. Therefore, this points at the importance of promoting equal access and personhood among vulnerable groups.
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🖺 Full Text HTML: <a href="https://psyarxiv.com/y82eu/" target="_blank">Understanding the Experiences of COVID-19 Spatial and Social Restrictions Among Young People with Physical Disabilities</a>
<li data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>Just-in-time, but still planned development of an online intervention to promote COVID-19 vaccination among university students; an Intervention Mapping approach</strong> -
We describe the just-in-time, planned development of an online intervention promoting COVID-19-vaccination among University students, just before they were eligible for being vaccinated. We applied the six steps of Intervention Mapping within a time frame much shorter than usual, without losing scientific rigor. In step 1, we created a logic model of the problem. In step 2, we defined the behavioral outcome: taking the vaccination. We selected relevant determinants in an online survey and formulated change objectives. In step 3, we linked the objectives to theory- and evidence-based change methods and translated those into practical applications, taking into account the parameters for effectiveness. Students indicated preferring science-based information from experts; therefore, the final webpage, step 4, included four video-interviews, with a student asking questions to experts; the first two about worries &amp; trust, and the second two on attitudes and perceived norms. In step 5, the intervention was fully implemented by the leadership of the University. Ideally in step 6, first-time interventions are systematically evaluated; however, not in times of COVID-19. This project was executed under unavoidable time pressure. Nevertheless, Intervention Mapping helped us developing an intervention that hopefully will positively affect students vaccination behavior in times of need.
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🖺 Full Text HTML: <a href="https://psyarxiv.com/r8yzs/" target="_blank">Just-in-time, but still planned development of an online intervention to promote COVID-19 vaccination among university students; an Intervention Mapping approach</a>
<li><strong>Reasons for not getting vaccinated against COVID-19 in German-speaking Switzerland: An online survey among vaccine hesitant 16-60 year olds</strong> -
Background: Several research studies have examined the reasons why people are hesitant to be vaccinated against COVID-19. However, there is no published data to date on Switzerland. Identifying these reasons among the Swiss population who are vaccine hesitant may help inform campaigns to encourage vaccine confidence. Aims: The primary aim of this study is to identify the reasons for not getting vaccinated against COVID-19 among Swiss residents who are vaccine hesitant. The secondary aim is to examine whether reasons differ by age, gender, education, and likelihood of accepting a vaccination to better target campaigns and design interventions. Design: An online survey asked participants to indicate the reasons why they were hesitant to be vaccinated against COVID-19. Setting: German-speaking Swiss Cantons, the survey was administered online between 5 May 2021 and 16 May 2021. Participants: The participants in this analysis were a sample of (N=1191) Swiss residents age 16-60 years old from German-speaking Cantons, who could answer an online survey in German, who had yet not been vaccinated, who had not yet registered for a vaccination appointment, and who did not indicate that they would definitely be vaccinated if offered the chance. Findings: Among people who are vaccine hesitant in Switzerland, the most common reasons for being hesitant were side-effect, safety, and effectiveness concerns. It was also common for people to indicate that they were healthy/at low risk, would decide later, and that they wanted to build immunity naturally. Less common, but still prevalent concerns included wanting more information, thinking COVID-19 was not a real threat, and concerns that the vaccine may serve another purpose. Differences in reasons for being vaccine hesitant were found by age, gender, education, and likelihood of accepting a vaccination if offered. Conclusions: To increase the likelihood of accepting a vaccination, vaccination campaigns should address side-effect, safety, and effectiveness concerns. Campaigns could also consider informing people why it is necessary for people in lower risk groups to be vaccinated, and why vaccination is preferable to infection for building immunity. While campaigns may be effective in reaching some of the population, alternative strategies might be necessary to strengthen the trust relationship with vaccines and vaccine providers in some groups. Less prevalent concerns, such as not liking needles, could be addressed through individual level interventions.
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🖺 Full Text HTML: <a href="https://psyarxiv.com/hnzke/" target="_blank">Reasons for not getting vaccinated against COVID-19 in German-speaking Switzerland: An online survey among vaccine hesitant 16-60 year olds</a>
<li><strong>Predicting Infectivity: Comparing Four PCR-based Assays to Detect Culturable SARS-CoV-2 in Clinical Samples</strong> -
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With the COVID-19 pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2 now in its second year, there remains an urgent need for diagnostic testing that can identify infected individuals, particularly those who harbor infectious virus. Various RT- PCR strategies have been proposed to identify specific viral RNA species that may predict the presence of infectious virus, including detection of transcriptional intermediates (e.g. subgenomic RNA [sgRNA]) and replicative intermediates (e.g. negative-strand RNA species). Using a novel primer/probe set for detection of subgenomic (sg)E transcripts, we successfully identified 100% of specimens containing culturable SARS-CoV-2 from a set of 126 clinical samples (total sgE CT values ranging from 12.3-37.5). This assay showed superior performance compared to a previously published sgRNA assay and to a negative-strand RNA assay, both of which failed to detect target RNA in a subset of samples from which we isolated live virus. In addition, total levels of viral RNA (genome, negative-strand, and sgE) detected with the WHO/Charite primer-probe set correlated closely with levels of infectious virus. Specifically, infectious virus was not detected in samples with a CT above 31.0. Clinical samples with higher levels of viral RNA also displayed cytopathic effect (CPE) more quickly than those with lower levels of viral RNA. Finally, we found that the infectivity of SARS- CoV-2 samples is significantly dependent on the cell type used for viral isolation, as Vero E6 cells expressing TMRPSS2 extended the analytical sensitivity of isolation by more than 3 CT compared to parental Vero E6 cells and resulted in faster isolation. Our work shows that using a total viral RNA Ct cut-off of &gt;31 or specifically testing for sgRNA can serve as an effective rule-out test for viral infectivity.
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🖺 Full Text HTML: <a href="https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.07.14.21260544v1" target="_blank">Predicting Infectivity: Comparing Four PCR-based Assays to Detect Culturable SARS-CoV-2 in Clinical Samples</a>
<li><strong>Comparison of kinetics of immune responses to SARS-CoV-2 proteins in individuals with varying severity of infection and following a single dose of the AZD1222</strong> -
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Background: While there have been many studies characterizing the IgG and IgA responses to different SARS-CoV-2 proteins in individuals with natural infection, the induction of IgG and IgA to different viral proteins in vaccinees have not been extensively studied. Therefore, we sought to investigate the antibody responses to SARS-CoV-2 following natural infection and following a single dose of AZD2221, in Sri Lankan individuals. Methods: Using Luminex assays, we characterized the IgG and IgA responses in patients with varying severity of illness and following a single dose of the vaccine at 4 weeks and 12 weeks since onset of illness or following vaccination. Haemagglutination test (HAT) was used to assess the antibodies to the receptor binding domain of SARS-CoV-2 wild type (WT), B.1.1.7, B.1.351 and B.1.617.2 (VOCs) and surrogate neutralizing test to measure ACE2 receptor blocking antibodies. Results: Those with mild illness and in vaccinees, the IgG responses to S1, S2, RBD and N protein increased from 4 weeks to 12 weeks, while it remained unchanged in those with moderate/severe illness. Those who had a febrile illness in 2017 and 2018 (controls) also gave IgG and IgA high responses to the S2 subunit. In the vaccinees, the most significant rise was seen for the IgG antibodies to the S2 subunit (p&lt;0.0001). Vaccinees had several fold lower IgA antibodies to all the SARS-CoV-2 proteins tested than those with mild and moderate/severe illness at 4 weeks and 12 weeks. At 12 weeks the HAT titres were significantly lower to the B.1.1.7 in vaccinees and significantly lower in those with mild illness, and in vaccinees to B.1.351 and for B.1.617.2. No such difference was seen in those with moderate/severe illness. Conclusions: Vaccinees had significantly less IgA to SARS-CoV-2, but comparable IgG responses to those with natural infection. However, following a single dose, vaccinees had reduced antibody levels to the variants of concern (VOC), which further declined with time, compared to natural infection.
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🖺 Full Text HTML: <a href="https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.07.14.21260510v1" target="_blank">Comparison of kinetics of immune responses to SARS-CoV-2 proteins in individuals with varying severity of infection and following a single dose of the AZD1222</a>
<li data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>Lives saved and hospitalizations averted by COVID-19 vaccination in New York City</strong> -
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Despite the emergence of highly transmissible variants, the number of cases in NYC has fallen from over 5,500 average daily cases in January, 2020 to less than 350 average daily cases in July, 2021. The impact of vaccination in saving lives and averting hospitalizations in NYC has not been formally investigated yet. We used an age-stratified agent-based model calibrated to COVID-19 transmission and vaccination in NYC to evaluate the impact of the vaccination campaign in suppressing the COVID-19 burden. We found that the vaccination campaign has prevented over 250,000 COVID-19 cases, 44,000 hospitalizations and 8,300 deaths from COVID-19 infection since the start of vaccination through July 1,</p></div></li>
<ol start="2021" type="1">
<li>Notably, the swift vaccine rollout suppressed another wave of COVID-19 that would have led to sustained increase in cases, hospitalizations and deaths during spring triggered by highly transmissible variants. As the Delta variant sweeps across the city, the findings of this study underscore the urgent need to accelerate vaccination and close the vaccine coverage gaps across the city.
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🖺 Full Text HTML: <a href="https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.07.14.21260481v1" target="_blank">Lives saved and hospitalizations averted by COVID-19 vaccination in New York City</a>
<li><strong>Sequencing SARS-CoV-2 from Antigen Tests</strong> -
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Genomic surveillance empowers agile responses to SARS-CoV-2 by enabling scientists and public health analysts to issue recommendations aimed at slowing transmission, prioritizing contact tracing, and building a robust genomic sequencing surveillance strategy. Since the start of the pandemic, real time RT-PCR diagnostic testing from upper respiratory specimens, such as nasopharyngeal (NP) swabs, has been the standard. Moreover, respiratory samples in viral transport media are the ideal specimen for SARS-CoV-2 whole-genome sequencing (WGS). In early 2021, many clinicians transitioned to antigen-based SARS-CoV-2 detection tests, which use anterior nasal swabs for SARS-CoV-2 antigen detection. Despite this shift in testing methods, the need for whole-genome sequence surveillance remains. Thus, we developed a workflow for whole-genome sequencing with antigen test-derived swabs as an input rather than nasopharyngeal swabs. In this study, we use excess clinical specimens processed using the BinaxNOW COVID-19 Ag Card. We demonstrate that whole-genome sequencing from antigen tests is feasible and yields similar results from RT-PCR-based assays utilizing a swab in viral transport media.
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🖺 Full Text HTML: <a href="https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.07.14.21260291v1" target="_blank">Sequencing SARS-CoV-2 from Antigen Tests</a>
<li data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>Vaccine uptake and SARS-CoV-2 antibody prevalence among 207,337 adults during May 2021 in England: REACT-2 study</strong> -
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Background The programme to vaccinate adults in England has been rapidly implemented since it began in December</p></div></li>
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<li>The community prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 anti-spike protein antibodies provides an estimate of total cumulative response to natural infection and vaccination. We describe the distribution of SARS-CoV-2 IgG antibodies in adults in England in May 2021 at a time when approximately 7 in 10 adults had received at least one dose of vaccine. Methods Sixth round of REACT-2 (REal-time Assessment of Community Transmission-2), a cross-sectional random community survey of adults in England, from 12 to 25 May 2021; 207,337 participants completed questionnaires and self-administered a lateral flow immunoassay test producing a positive or negative result. Results Vaccine coverage with one or more doses, weighted to the adult population in England, was 72.9% (95% confidence interval 72.7-73.0), varying by age from 25.1% (24.5-25.6) of those aged 18 to 24 years, to 99.2% (99.1-99.3) of those 75 years and older. In adjusted models, odds of vaccination were lower in men (odds ratio [OR] 0.89 [0.85-0.94]) than women, and in people of Black (0.41 [0.34-0.49]) compared to white ethnicity. There was higher vaccine coverage in the least deprived and highest income households. People who reported a history of COVID-19 were less likely to be vaccinated (OR 0.61 [0.55-0.67]). There was high coverage among health workers (OR 9.84 [8.79-11.02] and care workers (OR 4.17 [3.20-5.43]) compared to non-key workers, but lower in hospitality and retail workers (OR 0.73 [0.64-0.82] and 0.77 [0.70-0.85] respectively) after adjusting for age and key covariates. The prevalence of antibodies (weighted to the adult population of England and adjusted for test characteristics) was 61.1% (95% CI 60.9-61.4), up from 6.6% (5.4-5.7) in round 4 (27 October to 10 November 2020) and 13.9% (13.7-14.1) in round 5 (26 January to 8 February 2021). Prevalence (adjusted and weighted) increased with age, from 35.8% (35.1-36.5) in those aged 18 to 24 years, to 95.3% (94.6-95.9) in people 75 and over. Antibodies were 30% less likely to be detected in men than women (adjusted OR 0.69, 0.68-0.70), and were higher in people of Asian (OR 1.67 [1.58-1.77]), Black (1.55 [1.41-1.69]), mixed 1.17 [1.06-1.29] and other (1.37 [1.23-1.51]) ethnicities compared with white ethnicity. Workers in hospitality (OR 0.69 [0.63-0.74]) and retail (0.71 [0.67-0.75]) were less likely to have antibodies. Following two doses of Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, antibody positivity (adjusted for test performance) was 100% (100-100) at all ages except 80 years and older when it was 97.8% (95.9-99.6). For AstraZeneca positivity was over 90% up to age 69, and then 89.2% (88.5-89.9) in 70-79 year olds and 83.6% (78.5-88.3) in those aged 80 and over. Following a single dose of Pfizer-BioNTech positivity ranged from 100.0% (91.1-100.0) in those aged 18-29 to 32.2% (18.2-51.1) in those aged 70-79 years. For AstraZeneca this was 72.2% (68.5-75.9) in the youngest and 46.2% (40.0-52.7) in the oldest age group. Discussion The successful roll out of the vaccination programme in England has led to a high proportion of individuals having detectable antibodies, particularly in older age groups and those who have had two doses of vaccine. This is likely to be associated with high levels of protection from severe disease, and possibly from infection. Nonetheless, there remain some key groups with a lower prevalence of antibody, notably unvaccinated younger people, certain minority ethnic groups, those living in deprived areas and workers in some public facing employment. Obtaining improved rates of vaccination in these groups is essential to achieving high levels of protection against the virus through population immunity.
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🖺 Full Text HTML: <a href="https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.07.14.21260497v1" target="_blank">Vaccine uptake and SARS-CoV-2 antibody prevalence among 207,337 adults during May 2021 in England: REACT-2 study</a>
<li><strong>Impact of circulating SARS-CoV-2 variants on mRNA vaccine-induced immunity in uninfected and previously infected individuals</strong> -
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The emergence of SARS-CoV-2 variants with mutations in major neutralizing antibody-binding sites can affect humoral immunity induced by infection or vaccination (1-6). We analysed the development of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibody and T cell responses in previously infected (recovered) or uninfected (naive) individuals that received mRNA vaccines to SARS-CoV-2. While previously infected individuals sustained higher antibody titers than uninfected individuals post- vaccination, the latter reached comparable levels of neutralization responses to the ancestral strain than previously infected individuals 7 days after the second vaccine dose. T cell activation markers measured upon spike or nucleocapsid peptide in vitro stimulation showed a progressive increase after vaccination in the time-points analysed. Comprehensive analysis of plasma neutralization using 16 authentic isolates of distinct locally circulating SARS-CoV-2 variants revealed a range of reduction in the neutralization capacity associated with specific mutations in the spike gene: lineages with E484K and N501Y/T (e.g., B.1.351 and P.1) had the greatest reduction, followed by lineages with L452R (e.g., B.1.617.2) or with E484K (without N501Y/T). While both groups retained neutralization capacity against all variants, plasma from previously infected vaccinated individuals displayed overall better neutralization capacity when compared to plasma from uninfected individuals that also received two vaccine doses, pointing to vaccine boosters as a relevant future strategy to alleviate the impact of emerging variants on antibody neutralizing activity.
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🖺 Full Text HTML: <a href="https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.07.14.21260307v1" target="_blank">Impact of circulating SARS-CoV-2 variants on mRNA vaccine-induced immunity in uninfected and previously infected individuals</a>
<li><strong>Validation of a Novel Molecular Assay to the Diagnostic of COVID-19 Based on Real Time PCR with High Resolution Melting</strong> -
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With the emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic, the world faced an unprecedented need for RT-qPCR-based molecular diagnostic tests, leading to a lack of kits and inputs, especially in developing countries. Hence, the costs for commercial kits and inputs were overrated, stimulating the development of alternative methods to detect SARS-CoV-2 in clinical specimens. The availability of the complete SARS-CoV-2 genome at the beginning of the pandemic facilitated the development of specific primers and standardized laboratory protocols for Covid-19 molecular diagnostic. High-sensitive and cost-effective molecular biology technique based on the Melting Temperature differences between purine and pyrimidine bases can be used to the detection and genotyping of pathogens in clinical specimens. Here, a RT-qPCR assays with High Resolution Melting (HRM-RTqPCR) was developed for different regions of the SARS-CoV-2 genome (RdRp, E and N) and an internal control (human RNAse P gene). The assays were validated using synthetic sequences from the viral genome and clinical specimens (nasopharyngeal swabs, serum and saliva) of sixty-five patients with severe or moderate COVID-19 from different states in Brazil, in comparison to a commercial TaqMan RT-qPCR assay, as gold standard. The sensitivity of the HRM-RTqPCR assays targeting N, RdRp and E were 94.12, 98.04 and 92.16%, with 100% specificity to the 3 targets, and diagnostic accuracy of 95.38, 98.46 and 93.85%, respectively. Thus, the HRM-RTqPCR emerges as an alternative and low-cost methodology to increase the molecular diagnostic of patients suspicious for Covid-19, especially in restricted- budget laboratories.
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🖺 Full Text HTML: <a href="https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.07.14.21260471v1" target="_blank">Validation of a Novel Molecular Assay to the Diagnostic of COVID-19 Based on Real Time PCR with High Resolution Melting</a>
<li><strong>Sequencing SARS-CoV-2 in Slovakia: An Unofficial Genomic Surveillance Report</strong> -
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We present an unofficial SARS-CoV-2 genomic surveillance report from Slovakia based on approximately 3500 samples sequenced between March 2020 and May 2021. Early samples show multiple independent imports of SARS-CoV-2 from other countries. In Fall 2020, three virus variants (B.1.160, B.1.1.170, B.1.258) dominated as the number of cases increased. In November 2020, B.1.1.7 (alpha) variant was introduced in Slovakia and quickly became the most prevalent variant in the country (&gt;75% of new cases by early February 2021 and &gt;95% in mid-March).
<div class="article-link article-html-link">
🖺 Full Text HTML: <a href="https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.07.13.21260431v1" target="_blank">Sequencing SARS-CoV-2 in Slovakia: An Unofficial Genomic Surveillance Report</a>
<li><strong>Relative Ratios of Human Seasonal Coronavirus Antibodies Predict the Efficiency of Cross-Neutralization of SARS- CoV-2 Spike Binding to ACE2</strong> -
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Antibodies raised against highly prevalent human seasonal coronaviruses (sCoVs), which are responsible for the common cold, are known to cross-react with SARS-CoV-2 antigens. This cross-reactivity prompts questions about their protective role against SARS-CoV-2 infections and COVID-19 disease severity. However, the relationship between sCoV exposure and SARS-CoV-2 correlates of protection have not been clearly identified. Here we performed a cross-sectional analysis of cross-reactivity and cross-neutralization to three SARS-CoV-2 antigens using pre-pandemic serum from four different groups: pediatrics and adolescents (&lt;21 yrs of age), persons 21 to 70 yrs of age, persons older than 70 yrs of age, and persons living with HCV or HIV. We find that antibody cross-reactivity to SARS-CoV-2 antigens varied between 1.6% and 15.3% depending on the cohort and the isotype-antigen pair analyzed. We also demonstrate a broad range of neutralizing activity (0-45%) in pre-pandemic serum that interferes with SARS-CoV-2 spike attachment to ACE2. While the abundance of sCoV antibodies did not directly correlate with neutralization efficiency, by using machine learning methodologies, we show that neutralizing activity is rather dependent on the latent variables related to the pattern ratios of sCoVs antibodies presented by each person. These were independent of age or sex, and could be accurately predicted by comparing the relative ratios of IgGs in sera directed to NL63, 229E, HKU-1, and OC43 spike proteins. More specifically, we identified antibodies to NL63 and OC43 as being the two most important predictors of latent variables responsible for protection, and 229E as being the least weighted. Our data support that exposure to sCoVs triggers various cellular and immune responses that influence the efficiency of SARS-CoV-2 spike binding to ACE2, and may impact COVID-19 disease severity through various other latent variables.
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🖺 Full Text HTML: <a href="https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.07.16.21260079v2" target="_blank">Relative Ratios of Human Seasonal Coronavirus Antibodies Predict the Efficiency of Cross-Neutralization of SARS-CoV-2 Spike Binding to ACE2</a>
<li><strong>Application of nasal spray containing dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and ethanol during the COVID-19 pandemic may protect healthcare workers: A randomized controlled trials</strong> -
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Background: Coronavirus pandemic has affected a large population worldwide. Currently, the standard care for individuals who are exposed is supportive care, symptomatic management, and isolation. The aim of our study was to evaluate effects of combined use of ethanol and DMSO as a nasal spray in preventing COVID-19. Methods: We conducted a randomized controlled trial on volunteer healthcare workers of medical centers that were at the forefront of the fight against COVID-19 in Shahroud, Iran. Two hundred and thirty-two participants were randomly assigned to intervention and control groups to receive DSMO/ethanol or routine care, respectively. The subjects were followed for 4 weeks to determine the incidence of COVID-19 infection in each group based on the RT-qPCR test. Finally, absolute risk difference and relative risk were calculated to evaluate the effect of DSMO in prevent COVID-19. Results: The results showed that the incidence of COVID-19 in the control group and intervention group were 0.07 and 0.008, respectively. The relative risk (RR) was 0.12 (0.9-0.02) according to the incidence rate in the two groups. Conclusion: combined application of DSMO and ethanol in healthcare providers can considerably prevent COVID-19.
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🖺 Full Text HTML: <a href="https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.07.06.21259749v2" target="_blank">Application of nasal spray containing dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and ethanol during the COVID-19 pandemic may protect healthcare workers: A randomized controlled trials</a>
<li><strong>Assessing the risk of COVID-19 epidemic resurgence in relation to the Delta variant and to vaccination passes</strong> -
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The introduction of COVID-19 vaccination passes (VPs) by many countries coincides with the Delta variant fast becoming dominant across Europe. A thorough assessment of their impact on epidemic dy- namics is still lacking. Here, we propose the VAP-SIRS model that considers possibly lower restrictions for the VP holders than for the rest of the population, imperfect vaccination effectiveness against in- fection, rates of (re-)vaccination and waning immunity, fraction of never-vaccinated, and the increased transmissibility of the Delta variant. Some predicted epidemic scenarios for realistic parameter values yield new COVID-19 infection waves within two years, and high daily case numbers in the endemic state, even without introducing VPs and granting more freedom to their holders. Still, suitable adaptive policies can avoid unfavorable outcomes. While VP holders could initially be allowed more freedom, the lack of full vaccine effectiveness and increased transmissibility will require accelerated (re-)vaccination, wide-spread immunity surveillance, and/or minimal long-term common restrictions.
<div class="article-link article-html-link">
🖺 Full Text HTML: <a href="https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.05.07.21256847v2" target="_blank">Assessing the risk of COVID-19 epidemic resurgence in relation to the Delta variant and to vaccination passes</a>
<h1 data-aos="fade-right" id="from-clinical-trials">From Clinical Trials</h1>
<li data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>COVID-19 Vaccinations With a Sweepstakes</strong> - <b>Condition</b>:   Covid19<br/><b>Intervention</b>:   Behavioral: Philly Vax Sweepstakes<br/><b>Sponsors</b>:  <br/>
University of Pennsylvania;   Philadelphia Department of Public Health<br/><b>Active, not recruiting</b></p></li>
<li data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>A Study of PF-07321332/Ritonavir in Nonhospitalized High Risk Adult Participants With COVID-19</strong> - <b>Condition</b>:   COVID-19<br/><b>Interventions</b>:   Drug: PF-07321332;   Drug: Ritonavir;   Drug: Placebo<br/><b>Sponsor</b>:   Pfizer<br/><b>Not yet recruiting</b></p></li>
<li data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>Building Resiliency and Vital Equity (BRAVE) Project: Understanding Native Americans Perceptions/Beliefs About COVID-19 Testing and Vaccination Study</strong> - <b>Condition</b>:   Covid19 Virus Infection<br/><b>Intervention</b>:   Behavioral: Protect Your Elders Campaign<br/><b>Sponsors</b>:   North Carolina Central University;   Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina;   University of North Carolina at Pembroke<br/><b>Recruiting</b></p></li>
<li data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>A Study to Evaluate MVC-COV1901 Vaccine Against COVID-19 in Adolescents</strong> - <b>Condition</b>:   Covid19 Vaccine<br/><b>Interventions</b>:   Biological: MVC-COV1901(S protein with adjuvant);   Biological: MVC-COV1901(Saline)<br/><b>Sponsor</b>:   Medigen Vaccine Biologics Corp.<br/><b>Not yet recruiting</b></p></li>
<li data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>Study on Sequential Immunization of Inactivated COVID-19 Vaccine and Recombinant COVID-19 Vaccine (Ad5 Vector)</strong> - <b>Condition</b>:   COVID-19<br/><b>Interventions</b>:   Biological: Recombinant SARS-CoV-2 Ad5 vectored vaccine;   Biological: Inactive SARS-CoV-2 vaccine (Vero cell)<br/><b>Sponsors</b>:   Jiangsu Province Centers for Disease Control and Prevention;   CanSino Biologics Inc.<br/><b>Not yet recruiting</b></p></li>
<li data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>Covid-19 Virtual Recovery Study</strong> - <b>Condition</b>:   Covid19<br/><b>Interventions</b>:   Behavioral: Strength RMT;   Behavioral: Strength RMT and nasal breathing;   Behavioral: Endurance RMT;   Behavioral: Endurance RMT and nasal breathing;   Behavioral: Low dose RMT<br/><b>Sponsor</b>:   Mayo Clinic<br/><b>Not yet recruiting</b></p></li>
<li data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>Efficacy of Amantadine Treatment in COVID-19 Patients</strong> - <b>Condition</b>:   Patients With Moderate or Severe COVID-19<br/><b>Intervention</b>:   Drug: Amantadine<br/><b>Sponsors</b>:   Noblewell;   Medical Research Agency (ABM);   Leszek Giec Upper-Silesian Medical Centre of the Silesian Medical University in Katowice<br/><b>Recruiting</b></p></li>
<li data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>Internet-based Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation for Longterm COVID-19 Syndrome</strong> - <b>Condition</b>:   Long COVID-19<br/><b>Intervention</b>:   Behavioral: Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation<br/><b>Sponsors</b>:   Danderyd Hospital;   St Göran Hospital, Stockholm<br/><b>Recruiting</b></p></li>
<li data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>A Different Use of The Aerosol Box in COVID-19 Patients; Internal Jugular Vein Cannulation</strong> - <b>Condition</b>:   COVID-19 Pneumonia<br/><b>Intervention</b>:   Procedure: Internal jugular vein cannulation<br/><b>Sponsor</b>:   Bakirkoy Dr. Sadi Konuk Research and Training Hospital<br/><b>Completed</b></p></li>
<li data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>Reconditioning Exercise for COVID-19 Patients Experiencing Residual sYmptoms</strong> - <b>Condition</b>:   Covid19<br/><b>Intervention</b>:   Other: Exercise Therapy<br/><b>Sponsor</b>:  <br/>
Wake Forest University Health Sciences<br/><b>Not yet recruiting</b></p></li>
<li data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>Lipid Emulsion Infusion and COVID-19 Patients</strong> - <b>Condition</b>:   Covid19<br/><b>Interventions</b>:   Drug: SMOFlipid;   Other: 0.9% saline<br/><b>Sponsor</b>:   Assiut University<br/><b>Recruiting</b></p></li>
<li data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>Short Term, High Dose Vitamin D Supplementation in Moderate to Severe COVID-19 Disease</strong> - <b>Condition</b>:   Covid19<br/><b>Intervention</b>:   Drug: cholecalciferol 6 lakh IU<br/><b>Sponsor</b>:  <br/>
Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research<br/><b>Not yet recruiting</b></p></li>
<li data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>Immunogenicity and Safety of an Inactivated COVID-19 Vaccine</strong> - <b>Condition</b>:   COVID-19<br/><b>Interventions</b>:   Biological: Inactivated COVID-19 Vaccine;   Biological: 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine;   Biological: Inactivated Hepatitis A Vaccine<br/><b>Sponsor</b>:  <br/>
Sinovac Research and Development Co., Ltd.<br/><b>Not yet recruiting</b></p></li>
<li data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>Evaluation of the RD-X19 Treatment Device in Individuals With Mild to Moderate COVID-19</strong> - <b>Condition</b>:   COVID19<br/><b>Interventions</b>:   Device: RD-X19;   Device: Sham<br/><b>Sponsor</b>:  <br/>
EmitBio Inc.<br/><b>Recruiting</b></p></li>
<li data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>Coenzyme Q10 as Treatment for Long Term COVID-19</strong> - <b>Conditions</b>:   Covid19;   Long Term Covid19<br/><b>Interventions</b>:   Drug: Coenzyme Q10;   Drug: Placebo<br/><b>Sponsors</b>:   Aarhus University Hospital;   University of Aarhus;   Pharma Nord<br/><b>Recruiting</b></p></li>
<h1 data-aos="fade-right" id="from-pubmed">From PubMed</h1>
<li data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>Reliable Estimation of CD8 T Cell Inhibition of In Vitro HIV-1 Replication</strong> - The HIV-1 viral inhibition assay (VIA) measures CD8 T cell-mediated inhibition of HIV replication in CD4 T cells and is increasingly used for clinical testing of HIV vaccines and immunotherapies. The VIA has multiple sources of variability arising from in vitro HIV infection and co-culture of two T cell populations. Here, we describe multiple modifications to a 7-day VIA protocol, the most impactful being the introduction of independent replicate cultures for both HIV infected-CD4 (HIV-CD4) and…</p></li>
<li data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>High Dose Lopinavir/Ritonavir Does Not Lead to Sufficient Plasma Levels to Inhibit SARS-CoV-2 in Hospitalized Patients With COVID-19</strong> - Background: Despite lopinavir/ritonavir (LPV/RTV) demonstrating in-vitro activity against SARS-CoV-2, large trials failed to show any net clinical benefit. Since SARS-CoV-2 has an EC50 of 16.4 μg/ml for LPV this could be due to inadequate dosing. Methods: COVID-19 positive patients admitted to the hospital who received high dose LPV/RTV were included. High dose (HD) LPV/RTV 200/50 mg was defined as four tablets bid as loading dose, then three tablets bid for up to 10 days. Trough plasma…</p></li>
<li data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>Remdesivir Inhibits Tubulointerstitial Fibrosis in Obstructed Kidneys</strong> - Aim: Kidney impairment is observed in patients with COVID-19. The effect of anti-COVID-19 agent remdesivir on kidneys is currently unknown. We aimed to determine the effect of remdesivir on renal fibrosis and its downstream mechanisms. Methods: Remdesivir and its active nucleoside metabolite GS-441524 were used to treat TGF-β stimulated renal fibroblasts (NRK-49F) and human renal epithelial (HK2) cells. Vehicle or remdesivir were given by intraperitoneal injection or renal injection through the…</p></li>
<li data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>The association of WTELS as a master motivator with higher executive functioning and better mental health</strong> - The goal is to test the validity of the "Will to exist-live and survive (WTELS) as a master motivator that activates executive functions. A sample of 262 adults administered different measures that included WTELS and executive functions. We conducted hierarchical regressions with working memory deficits (WMD) and inhibition deficits (ID) as dependent variables. We entered in the last steps resilience and WTELS as independent variables. We conducted path analysis with WTELS as independent…</p></li>
<li data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>Our Words in a State of Emergency: Psychological-Linguistic Analysis of Utterances on the COVID-19 Situation in the Czech Republic</strong> - The study focuses on psychological-linguistic analysis of utterances provided by N = 2522 respondents aged 18-89 years in the period of March-May 2020, for the research of JUPSYCOR (Psychological Impacts of the Coronavirus Epidemic in the Czech Republic). The utterances relate to the interpretation of the state of emergency, the COVID-19 epidemic, and its subjectively perceived impacts. Simultaneously, the study examines the relationship between the analysed texts and the results of the SEHW…</p></li>
<li data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>Lung cancer models reveal SARS-CoV-2-induced EMT contributes to COVID-19 pathophysiology</strong> - COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by SARS-CoV-2, which enters host cells via the cell surface proteins ACE2 and TMPRSS2. Using a variety of normal and malignant models and tissues from the aerodigestive and respiratory tracts, we investigated the expression and regulation of ACE2 and TMPRSS2. We find that ACE2 expression is restricted to a select population of epithelial cells. Notably, infection with SARS-CoV-2 in cancer cell lines, bronchial organoids, and patient nasal epithelium,…</p></li>
<li data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>Identification of potential plant bioactive as SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein and human ACE2 fusion inhibitors</strong> - The Spike receptor binding domain (S-RBD) from SARS-CoV-2, a crucial protein for the entrance of the virus into target cells is known to cause infection by binding to a cell surface protein. Hence, reckoning therapeutics for the S-RBD of SARS-CoV-2 may address a significant way to target viral entry into the host cells. Herein, through in-silico approaches (Molecular docking, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, and end-state thermodynamics), we aimed to screen natural molecules from different…</p></li>
<li data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>System-oriented optimization of multi-target 2,6-diaminopurine derivatives: Easily accessible broad-spectrum antivirals active against flaviviruses, influenza virus and SARS-CoV-2</strong> - The worldwide circulation of different viruses coupled with the increased frequency and diversity of new outbreaks, strongly highlight the need for new antiviral drugs to quickly react against potential pandemic pathogens. Broad- spectrum antiviral agents (BSAAs) represent the ideal option for a prompt response against multiple viruses, new and re- emerging. Starting from previously identified anti-flavivirus hits, we report herein the identification of promising BSAAs by submitting the…</p></li>
<li data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>A SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibody selected from COVID-19 patients binds to the ACE2-RBD interface and is tolerant to most known RBD mutations</strong> - The novel betacoronavirus severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) causes a form of severe pneumonia disease called coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). To develop human neutralizing anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies, antibody gene libraries from convalescent COVID-19 patients were constructed and recombinant antibody fragments (scFv) against the receptor-binding domain (RBD) of the spike protein were selected by phage display. The antibody STE90-C11 shows a subnanometer IC(50) in a…</p></li>
<li data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>Redox-Mediated Artificial Non-Enzymatic Antioxidant MXene Nanoplatforms for Acute Kidney Injury Alleviation</strong> - Acute kidney injury (AKI), as a common oxidative stress-related renal disease, causes high mortality in clinics annually, and many other clinical diseases, including the pandemic COVID-19, have a high potential to cause AKI, yet only rehydration, renal dialysis, and other supportive therapies are available for AKI in the clinics. Nanotechnology- mediated antioxidant therapy represents a promising therapeutic strategy for AKI treatment. However, current enzyme- mimicking nanoantioxidants show poor…</p></li>
<li data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>In vitro efficacy of artemisinin-based treatments against SARS-CoV-2</strong> - Effective and affordable treatments for patients suffering from coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), are needed. We report in vitro efficacy of Artemisia annua extracts as well as artemisinin, artesunate, and artemether against SARS-CoV-2. The latter two are approved active pharmaceutical ingredients of anti-malarial drugs. Concentration-response antiviral treatment assays, based on immunostaining of SARS-CoV-2 spike…</p></li>
<li data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>Cell therapy in patients with COVID-19 using Whartons jelly mesenchymal stem cells: a phase 1 clinical trial</strong> - CONCLUSIONS: In patients, the trend of tests was generally improving, and we experienced a reduction in inflammation. No serious complications were observed in patients except the headache in one of them, which was resolved without medication. In this study, we found that patients with severe COVID-19 in the inflammatory phase respond better to cell therapy. More extensive clinical trials should be performed in this regard.</p></li>
<li data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>Natto extract, a Japanese fermented soybean food, directly inhibits viral infections including SARS-CoV-2 in vitro</strong> - Natto, a traditional Japanese fermented soybean food, is well known to be nutritious and beneficial for health. In this study, we examined whether natto impairs infection by viruses, such as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) as well as bovine herpesvirus 1 (BHV-1). Interestingly, our results show that both SARS-CoV-2 and BHV-1 treated with a natto extract were fully inhibited infection to the cells. We also found that the glycoprotein D of BHV-1 was shown to be…</p></li>
<li data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>A head-to-head comparison of the inhibitory activities of 15 peptidomimetic SARS-CoV-2 3CLpro inhibitors</strong> - The COVID-19 pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2 has created an unprecedented global health emergency. As of July 2021, only three antiviral therapies have been approved by the FDA for treating infected patients, highlighting the urgent need for more antiviral drugs. The SARS-CoV-2 3CL protease (3CLpro) is deemed an attractive drug target due to its essential role in viral polyprotein processing and pathogenesis. Indeed, a number of peptidomimetic 3CLpro inhibitors armed with electrophilic warheads…</p></li>
<li data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>SARS-CoV-2 variant B.1.617 is resistant to bamlanivimab and evades antibodies induced by infection and vaccination</strong> - The emergence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) variants threatens efforts to contain the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. The number of COVID-19 cases and deaths in India has risen steeply, and a SARS-CoV-2 variant, B.1.617, is believed to be responsible for many of these cases. The spike protein of B.1.617 harbors two mutations in the receptor binding domain, which interacts with the angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor and constitutes the…</p></li>
<h1 data-aos="fade-right" id="from-patent-search">From Patent Search</h1>
<li><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>A SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR COVID- 19 DIAGNOSIS USING DETECTION RESULTS FROM CHEST X- RAY IMAGES</strong> - - <a href="https://patentscope.wipo.int/search/en/detail.jsf?docId=AU330927328">link</a></p></li>
<li><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>Advanced Machine Learning System combating COVID-19 virus Detection, Spread, Prevention and Medical Assistance.</strong> - - <a href="https://patentscope.wipo.int/search/en/detail.jsf?docId=AU329799475">link</a></p></li>
<li><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>Differential detection kit for common SARS-CoV-2 variants in COVID-19 patients</strong> - - <a href="https://patentscope.wipo.int/search/en/detail.jsf?docId=AU328840861">link</a></p></li>
<li><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>一种新型冠状病毒的mRNA疫苗</strong> - 本发明公开了一种新型冠状病毒的mRNA疫苗。本发明提供的疫苗其活性成分为mRNA如序列表的序列6所示。本发明还保护TFRBD蛋白如序列表的序列2所示。本发明的发明人通过一系列序列设计和序列优化得到了特异DNA分子进一步构建了特异重组质粒将特异重组质粒进行体外转录可以得到多聚化TFRBD mRNA。进一步的发明人制备了负载TFRBD mRNA的脂质纳米粒。本发明对于新型冠状病毒的防控具有重大的应用推广价值。 - <a href="https://patentscope.wipo.int/search/en/detail.jsf?docId=CN330068008">link</a></p></li>
<li><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>新型冠状病毒B117英国突变株RBD的基因及其应用</strong> - 本发明属于生物技术领域具体涉及新型冠状病毒B117英国突变株RBD的基因及其应用。本发明的新型冠状病毒B117英国突变株RBD的基因其核苷酸序列如SEQ ID NO.1或SEQ ID NO.6所示。本发明通过优化野生型新型冠状病毒B117英国突变株RBD的基因序列并结合筛选确定了相对最佳序列优化后序列产生的克隆表达效率比野生型新型冠状病毒B117英国突变株RBD序列表达效率大幅提高从而本发明的新型冠状病毒B117英国突变株RBD的基因更有利于用于制备新型冠状病毒疫苗。 - <a href="https://patentscope.wipo.int/search/en/detail.jsf?docId=CN330068024">link</a></p></li>
<li><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>SARS-CoV-2 anti-viral therapeutic</strong> - - <a href="https://patentscope.wipo.int/search/en/detail.jsf?docId=AU327160071">link</a></p></li>
<li><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>一种基于联邦学习的多用户协同训练人流统计方法及系统</strong> - 本发明提供一种基于联邦学习的多用户协同训练人流统计方法旨在利用联邦学习框架搭建一个新颖的人群计数模型达到让多用户多设备同时训练的目的。各个客户端利用图像数据集对图像分类网络进行本地训练以获取本地模型在各经过至少一次本地训练后中心服务器从客户端获取本地模型的权值及附加层参数并进行聚合处理中心服务器利用聚合处理后的权值及附加层参数更新全局模型并将聚合处理后的权值参数及附加层参数返回给各个客户端各个客户端利用中心服务器返回的权值以及ground truth值进行贝叶斯估计计算loss值并利用返回的权值参数及附加层参数更新本地模型重复执行直至所有客户端的loss值均收敛则完成人流统计全局模型和本地模型的训练。 - <a href="https://patentscope.wipo.int/search/en/detail.jsf?docId=CN329978461">link</a></p></li>
<li><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>A POLYHERBAL ALCOHOL FREE FORMULATION FOR ORAL CAVITY</strong> - The present invention generally relates to a herbal composition. Specifically, the present invention relates to a polyherbal alcohol free composition comprising of Glycyrrhiza glabra root extract, Ocimum sanctum leaf extract, Elettaria cardamomum fruit extract, Mentha spicata (Spearmint) oil and Tween 80 and method of preparation thereof. The polyherbal alcohol free composition of the present invention possesses excellent antimicrobial properties and useful for oral cavity. - <a href="https://patentscope.wipo.int/search/en/detail.jsf?docId=IN325690740">link</a></p></li>
<li><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>新型冠状病毒B.1.351南非突变株RBD的基因及其应用</strong> - 本发明属于生物技术领域具体涉及新型冠状病毒B.1.351南非突变株RBD的基因及其应用。本发明的新型冠状病毒B.1.351南非突变株RBD的基因其核苷酸序列如SEQIDNO.1或SEQIDNO.6所示。本发明通过优化野生型新型冠状病毒南非B.1.351南非突变株RBD的基因序列并结合筛选确定了相对最佳序列优化后序列产生的克隆表达效率比野生型新型冠状病毒B.1.351南非突变株RBD序列表达效率大幅提高从而本发明的新型冠状病毒B.1.351南非突变株RBD的基因可以用于制备新型冠状病毒疫苗。 - <a href="https://patentscope.wipo.int/search/en/detail.jsf?docId=CN328990628">link</a></p></li>
<li><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>检测新型冠状病毒中和抗体的试剂盒及其应用</strong> - 本发明涉及生物技术领域具体而言提供了一种检测新型冠状病毒中和抗体的试剂盒及其应用。本发明提供的检测新型冠状病毒中和抗体试剂盒具体包括ab两种方案a示踪物标记的RBD三聚体抗原包被在固体支持物上的ACE2以及含有0.210mg/mL十二烷基二甲基甜菜碱的工作液b示踪物标记的ACE2包被在固体支持物上的RBD三聚体抗原以及含有0.210mg/mL十二烷基二甲基甜菜碱的工作液其中RBD三聚体抗原利用二硫键将刺突蛋白的RBD与S2亚基完全交联得到。十二烷基二甲基甜菜碱会显著提高RBD三聚体抗原与新冠中和性抗体结合速度提升阳性样本平均发光强度缩短检测时间。 - <a href="https://patentscope.wipo.int/search/en/detail.jsf?docId=CN328990376">link</a></p></li>