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<h1 data-aos="fade-down" id="covid-19-sentry">Covid-19 Sentry</h1>
<h1 data-aos="fade-right" data-aos-anchor-placement="top-bottom" id="contents">Contents</h1>
<li><a href="#from-preprints">From Preprints</a></li>
<li><a href="#from-clinical-trials">From Clinical Trials</a></li>
<li><a href="#from-pubmed">From PubMed</a></li>
<li><a href="#from-patent-search">From Patent Search</a></li>
<h1 data-aos="fade-right" id="from-preprints">From Preprints</h1>
<li><strong>Sequencing SARS-CoV-2 in Slovakia: An Unofficial Genomic Surveillance Report</strong> -
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We present an unofficial SARS-CoV-2 genomic surveillance report from Slovakia based on approximately 3500 samples sequenced between March 2020 and May 2021. Early samples show multiple independent imports of SARS-CoV-2 from other countries. In Fall 2020, three virus variants (B.1.160, B.1.1.170, B.1.258) dominated as the number of cases increased. In November 2020, B.1.1.7 (alpha) variant was introduced in Slovakia and quickly became the most prevalent variant in the country (&gt;75% of new cases by early February 2021 and &gt;95% in mid-March).
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🖺 Full Text HTML: <a href="https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.07.13.21260431v1" target="_blank">Sequencing SARS-CoV-2 in Slovakia: An Unofficial Genomic Surveillance Report</a>
<li><strong>Impact of tozinameran (BNT162b2) mRNA vaccine on kidney transplant and chronic dialysis patients: 3-5 months followup</strong> -
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Background: Determining the humoral immunogenicity of tozinameran (BNT162b2) vaccine in patients requiring chronic renal replacement therapy, and its impact on COVID-19 morbidity several months after vaccination, will guide risk assessment and subsequent changes in vaccination policy. Methods: In a prospective post-vaccination cohort study with up to 5 months follow-up we studied outpatient dialysis and kidney transplant patients and respective healthcare teams. Outcomes were anti S1/S2 antibody response to vaccine or infection and infection rate during followup. Results: 175 dialysis patients (40% women, 65±15 years), 252 kidney transplant patients (33% women, 54±14 years) and 71 controls (65% women, 44±14 years) were followed. Three months or longer after vaccination we detected anti S1/S2 IgG antibodies in 80% of dialysis patients, 44% of transplant recipients and 100% of controls, whereas respective rates after infection were 94%, 75% and 100%. Predictors of non-response were older age, diabetes, history of cancer, lower lymphocyte count and lower vitamin-D levels. Factors associated with lower titers in dialysis patients were modality (hemodialysis vs peritoneal) and high serum ferritin levels. In transplant patients, hypertension and higher calcineurin or mTOR inhibitor drug levels were linked with diminished antibody response. Vaccination associated with fewer subsequent infections (HR=0.23, p&lt;0.05). Moreover, higher antibody titers associated with fewer events, HR 0.41 for each unit increased in log10titer (p&lt;0.05). Conclusions: Dialysis patients, and more so kidney transplant recipients, mounted reduced antibody response to COVID-19 mRNA vaccination, and lesser humoral response associated with more infections. Measures to identify and protect non-responsive patients are urgently required.
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🖺 Full Text HTML: <a href="https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.06.12.21258813v2" target="_blank">Impact of tozinameran (BNT162b2) mRNA vaccine on kidney transplant and chronic dialysis patients: 3-5 months followup</a>
<li><strong>Covariance of Interdependent Samples with Application to GWAS</strong> -
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We devise a significance test for covariance of samples not drawn independently, but with known inter-sample covariance structure. We propose a test distribution which is a linear combination of χ2 distributions, with positive and negative coefficients. The corresponding cumulative distribution function can be efficiently calculated with Davies algorithm at high precision. As an application, we suggest a test for dependence between SNP-wise effect sizes of two genome-wide association studies at the level of genes. This test can be extended to detect gene-wise causal links. We illustrate this method by uncovering potential shared genetic links between severity of COVID-19 and (1) being prescribed class M05B medication (drugs affecting bone structure and mineralization), (2) vitamin D (25OHD) and (3) serum calcium concentrations. Our method detects a potential role played by chemokine receptor genes linked to TH1 versus TH2 immune reaction, a gene related to integrin beta-1 cell surface expression, and other genes potentially impacting severity of COVID-19.
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🖺 Full Text HTML: <a href="https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.05.16.21257289v2" target="_blank">Covariance of Interdependent Samples with Application to GWAS</a>
<li><strong>Early treatment with nitazoxanide prevents worsening of mild and moderate COVID-19 and subsequent hospitalization</strong> -
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Background: There is an urgent need for treatments to prevent the progression to severe COVID-19 and hospitalization. Methods: A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial in 36 centers in the U.S. and Puerto Rico investigated the safety and effectiveness of oral nitazoxanide 600 mg twice daily for 5 days in outpatients with symptoms of mild or moderate COVID-19 enrolled within 72 hours of symptom onset. Key objectives were reduction of duration of symptoms (primary) and progression to severe illness (key secondary). Results: 1,092 subjects were enrolled, and 379 with laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection were analyzed. Overall, times to sustained clinical recovery were similar for the two arms. Nitazoxanide treatment was associated with an 85% reduction in the progression to severe COVID-19 (1/184, [0.5%] vs. 7/195, [3.6%], p=0.07) and 82% reduction in the rate of hospitalization, emergency room visit or death (1/184 [0.5%] vs. 6/195 [3.1%], p=0.12). In subjects with mild illness at baseline, treatment was also associated with a 3.1-day reduction in median time to sustained clinical recovery and a 5.2-day reduction in time to return to usual health. Nitazoxanide was safe and well tolerated. Conclusions: Treatment of mild or moderate COVID-19 with a five-day course of oral nitazoxanide was safe and well tolerated and was associated with an 85% reduction in the progression to severe illness and a 3- to 5-day reduction of the duration of mild illness.
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🖺 Full Text HTML: <a href="https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.04.19.21255441v2" target="_blank">Early treatment with nitazoxanide prevents worsening of mild and moderate COVID-19 and subsequent hospitalization</a>
<li><strong>What effect might border screening have on preventing importation of COVID-19 compared with other infections? A modelling study</strong> -
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The effectiveness of screening travellers during times of international disease outbreak is contentious, especially as the reduction in the risk of disease importation can be very small. Border screening typically consists of travellers being thermally scanned for signs of fever and/or completing a survey declaring any possible symptoms prior to admission to their destination country; while more thorough testing typically exists, these would generally prove more disruptive to deploy. In this paper, we describe a simple Monte Carlo based model that incorporates the epidemiology of COVID-19 to investigate the potential benefit of requiring all travellers to undergo thorough screening upon arrival. This is a purely theoretical study to investigate whether a single test at point of entry might ever prove to be a way of significantly decreasing risk of importation. We therefore assume ideal conditions such as 100% compliance among travellers and the use of a perfect test. In addition to COVID-19, we also apply the presented model to simulated outbreaks of Influenza, SARS and Ebola for comparison. Our model only considers screening implemented at airports, being the predominant method of international travel. Primary results showed that in the best-case scenario, screening may expect to detect 8.8% of travellers infected with COVID-19, compared to 34.8.%, 9.7% and 3.0% for travellers infected with influenza, SARS and Ebola respectively. While results appear to indicate that screening is more effective at preventing disease ingress when the disease in question has a shorter average incubation period, our results indicate that screening alone does not represent a sufficient method to adequately protect a nation from the importation of COVID-19 cases.
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🖺 Full Text HTML: <a href="https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.07.10.20150664v2" target="_blank">What effect might border screening have on preventing importation of COVID-19 compared with other infections? A modelling study</a>
<li><strong>COVID-19 and Dapsone: Four preventive treatment mechanisms</strong> -
A COVID-19 committee at Hunt Regional Medical Center reviewed the use of dapsone as an inflammasome competitor. The hospital then revalidated its effectiveness by reporting the findings of 44 (22 cases/22 controls) patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) treated with dapsone. All 17 ARDS Onset patients who received standard COVID-19 treatment, including dapsone, did not die except one patient not taken dapsone after relapsed, whereas 8/20 patients received standard COVID-19 treatment without dapsone died; the mortality rates were 5.9% and 40%, respectively. Dapsone treats and prevents SARS-CoV-2 ARDS. We confirmed that dapsone clinically treated the onset of ARDS by targeting SARS- CoV-2-activated inflammasomes.
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🖺 Full Text HTML: <a href="https://osf.io/jq5tc/" target="_blank">COVID-19 and Dapsone: Four preventive treatment mechanisms</a>
<li><strong>Covid-19 Pandemic Impacts on Essential Transit Riders: Findings from a U.S. Survey</strong> -
The Covid-19 pandemic has decimated public transit service across the United States and caused significant decreases in ridership. Adapting to the pandemic has been more challenging for some transit riders than for others. Little is known about the reasons for pandemic-era mode shifts and the impacts of pandemic-related transit reductions on riders day-to-day lives. Using a national survey of U.S. transit riders (n=500), this study examines changes in transit use since the pandemic began, the reasons for transit reductions, and the effects of reduced transit use and transit service on transit riders ability to meet their travel needs. The Covid-19 pandemic has exacerbated existing transportation burdens for essential transit riders, pointing to shortcomings inherent in current transit financing policy. We close with recommendations for strengthening the transit service for these groups in the long term as we recover from the pandemic.
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🖺 Full Text HTML: <a href="https://osf.io/preprints/socarxiv/3km9y/" target="_blank">Covid-19 Pandemic Impacts on Essential Transit Riders: Findings from a U.S. Survey</a>
<li><strong>What We Learned from COVID-19: From endotheliitis to treatment</strong> -
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Objective: COVID-19 may yield a variety of clinical pictures, differing from pneumonitis to Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) along with vascular damage in the lung tissue, named as endotheliitis. To date, no specific treatment strategy was approved by any authority for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19 in terms of endotheliitis- related comorbidities. Here, we present our experience of COVID-19 by evaluating 11,190 COVID-19 patients with the manifestations of endotheliitis in skin, lung, and brain tissues according to the different phases of COVID-19. Methods: After a retrospective examination, patients were divided into three groups according to their repercussions of vascular distress, which were represented by radiological, histopathological, and clinical findings. (Group A: no or mild pulmonary involvement, Group B: moderate pulmonary involvement with clinical risk of deterioration, Group C: severe pulmonary involvement and respiratory failure). We presented the characteristics and disease course of seven representative and complicated cases which represents the different phases of the disease, and discussed the treatment strategies in each group. The current pathophysiological mechanisms responsible from SARS-CoV-2 infection, COVID-19 related respiratory failure and current treatment strategies were reviewed and discussed in detail. Results: Among 11.190 patients, 9294 patients met the criteria for Group A, and 1376 patients were presented to our clinics with Group B characteristics. Among these patients, 1896 individuals(Group B and Group C) were hospitalized. While 1220 inpatients were hospitalized within the first 10 days after the diagnosis, 676 of them were worsened and hospitalized 10 days after their diagnosis. Among hospitalized patients, 520 of them did not respond to group A and B treatments and developed hypoxemic respiratory failure (Group C) and 146 individuals needed ventilator support and were followed in the intensive care unit, and 43 (2.2%) patients died. Conclusion: Distinctive manifestations in each COVID-19 patient, including non- respiratory conditions in the acute phase and the emerging risk of long-lasting complications, suggest that COVID-19 has an endotheliitis-centred thrombo-inflammatory pathophysiology. Endotheliitis can also explain the mechanism behind the respiratory failure in COVID-19, and the difference of COVID-19 related ARDS from ARDS seen in other critical conditions. In addition, use of early corticosteroid in patients with early symptoms and early tocilizumab in ICU helps to reduce mortality and progression of the disease. Endotheliitis-based pathophysiological mechanisms are known to be momentarily changing and difficut to manage due to their risk of sudden aggrevation. Hence, daily evaluation of clinical, laboratory and radiological findings of patients and deciding appropriate pathophysiological treatment would help to reduce the mortality rate of COVID-19.
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🖺 Full Text HTML: <a href="https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.07.05.21259790v2" target="_blank">What We Learned from COVID-19: From endotheliitis to treatment</a>
<li><strong>Modeling the COVID-19 Vaccination Dynamics in the United States: An Estimation of Coverage Velocity and Carrying Capacity Based on Socio-demographic Vulnerability Indices in California</strong> -
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Background: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) disparities among vulnerable populations are of paramount concern that extend to vaccine administration. With recent uptick in infection rates, dominance of the delta variant, and proposal of a third booster shot, understanding the population-level vaccine coverage dynamics and underlying sociodemographic factors is critical for achieving equity in public health outcomes. This study aimed to characterize the scope of vaccine inequity in California counties through modeling the trends of vaccination using the Social Vulnerability Index (SVI). Methods: Overall SVI, its four themes, and 9228 data points of daily vaccination numbers from December 15, 2020, to May 23, 2021, across all 58 California counties were used to model the growth velocity and anticipated maximum proportion of population vaccinated, defined as having received at least one dose of vaccine. Results: Based on the overall SVI, the vaccination coverage velocity was lower in counties in the high vulnerability category (v=0.0346, 95% CI: 0.0334, 0.0358) compared to moderate (v=0.0396, 95% CI: 0.0385, 0.0408) and low (v=0.0414, 95% CI: 0.0403, 0.0425) vulnerability categories. SVI Theme 3 (minority status and language) yielded the largest disparity in coverage velocity between low and high-vulnerable counties (v=0.0423 versus v=0.035, P&lt;0.001). Based on the current trajectory, while counties in low-vulnerability category of overall SVI are estimated to achieve a higher proportion of vaccinated individuals, our models yielded a higher asymptotic maximum for highly vulnerable counties of Theme 3 (K=0.544, 95% CI: 0.527, 0.561) compared to low-vulnerability counterparts (K=0.441, 95% CI: 0.432, 0.450). The largest disparity in asymptotic proportion vaccinated between the low and high- vulnerability categories was observed in Theme 2 describing the household composition and disability (K=0.602, 95% CI: 0.592, 0.612; versus K=0.425, 95% CI: 0.413, 0.436). Overall, the large initial disparities in vaccination rates by SVI status attenuated over time, particularly based on Theme 3 status which yielded a large decrease in cumulative vaccination rate ratio of low to high-vulnerability categories from 1.42 to 0.95 (P=0.002). Conclusions: This study provides insight into the problem of COVID-19 vaccine disparity across California which can help promote equity during the current pandemic and guide the allocation of future vaccines such as COVID-19 booster shots.
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🖺 Full Text HTML: <a href="https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.07.03.21259881v2" target="_blank">Modeling the COVID-19 Vaccination Dynamics in the United States: An Estimation of Coverage Velocity and Carrying Capacity Based on Socio-demographic Vulnerability Indices in California</a>
<li><strong>Effect of using personal protective equipment during the COVID-19 pandemic on the quality indicators of screening colonoscopies.</strong> -
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Background and Aims: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has affected many facets of the practice of medicine including screening colonoscopies. Our study looks to observe if there has been an effect on the quality of colonoscopies, as indicated by quality measures such as cecal intubation rate (CIR), cecal intubation time (CIT), scope withdrawal time (SWT) and adenoma detection rate (ADR) with the adoption of standard COVID-19 precautions. Methods: We conducted a retrospective chart review to analyze the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on screening colonoscopies. The study utilized data on CIR, CIT, SWT and ADR from outpatient, non-emergent procedures conducted at 3 endoscopy suites of St Lukes University Health Network. All inpatient and emergent procedures were excluded. Data was obtained by performing chart review on EPIC electronic health record. Results: Our study demonstrated that the total number of screening colonoscopies was decreased between 2019 to 2020 (318 in 2019 vs 157 in 2020, p= 0.005). CIT (320+/-105 seconds in 2019 vs 392+/-107 seconds in 2020, p=0.001) and SWT (706+/-232 seconds in 2019 vs 830+/-241 seconds in 2020, p=0.001) were increased while CIR (98.2% in 2019 vs 96.6% in 2020, p=0.04) was decreased between 2019 and 2020 likely due to PPE introduction. ADR was similar between the two groups (38.23 (12.50-66.66) in 2019 vs 38.18(16.66-66.00) in 2020, p=0.8). Conclusion: Our study showed that quality indices for screening colonoscopies like cecal intubation rate, cecal intubation time and scope withdrawal time were negatively impacted during the initial COVID time period compared to pre-COVID time. The study also displayed that though there was a significant decline in both screening and diagnostic colonoscopies during pandemic, adenoma detection rates were comparable. Thus, the efficiency of the procedures was affected by the use of PPE but it did not affect the colonoscopies clinical benefits.
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🖺 Full Text HTML: <a href="https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.05.07.21256743v2" target="_blank">Effect of using personal protective equipment during the COVID-19 pandemic on the quality indicators of screening colonoscopies.</a>
<li><strong>Antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of respiratory Gram-negative bacterial isolates from COVID-19 patients in Switzerland</strong> -
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Background Bacterial superinfections associated with COVID-19 are common in ventilated ICU patients and impact morbidity and lethality. However, the contribution of antimicrobial resistance to the manifestation of bacterial infections in these patients has yet to be elucidated. Methods We collected 70 Gram-negative bacterial strains, isolated from the lower respiratory tract of ventilated COVID-19 patients in Zurich, Switzerland between March and May 2020. Species identification was performed using MALDI-TOF; antibiotic susceptibility profiles were determined by EUCAST disk diffusion and CLSI broth microdilution assays. Selected Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates were analyzed by whole-genome sequencing. Results P. aeruginosa (46%) and Enterobacterales (36%) comprised the two largest etiologic groups. Drug resistance in P. aeruginosa isolates was high for piperacillin/tazobactam (65.6%), cefepime (56.3%), ceftazidime (46.9%) and meropenem (50.0%). Enterobacterales isolates showed slightly lower levels of resistance to piperacillin/tazobactam (32%), ceftriaxone (32%), and ceftazidime (36%). All P. aeruginosa isolates and 92% of Enterobacterales isolates were susceptible to aminoglycosides, with apramycin found to provide best-in-class coverage. Genotypic analysis of consecutive P. aeruginosa isolates in one patient revealed a frameshift mutation in the transcriptional regulator nalC that coincided with a phenotypic shift in susceptibility to β-lactams and quinolones. Conclusions Considerable levels of antimicrobial resistance may have contributed to the manifestation of bacterial superinfections in ventilated COVID-19 patients, and may in some cases mandate consecutive adaptation of antibiotic therapy. High susceptibility to amikacin and apramycin suggests that aminoglycosides may remain an effective second-line treatment of ventilator-associated bacterial pneumonia, provided efficacious drug exposure in lungs can be achieved.
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🖺 Full Text HTML: <a href="https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.03.10.21253079v3" target="_blank">Antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of respiratory Gram-negative bacterial isolates from COVID-19 patients in Switzerland</a>
<li><strong>Room Temperature Isothermal Colorimetric Padlock Probe Rolling Circle Amplification for Viral RNA Detection</strong> -
Seasonal flu and pandemics, which account for millions of infections and hundreds of thousands of deaths, require rapid and reliable detection mechanisms for preventive and therapeutic measures. Current methods of viral detection have limitations in speed, accuracy, accessibility, and usability. This project presents a novel, widely applicable viral diagnosis that uses a modified version of the traditional rolling circle amplification (RCA) to be sensitive, specific, direct, colorimetric, and operable at room temperature. We are specifically aiming to detect SARS-CoV-2, Influenza A (H1N1pdm09), and Influenza B (Victoria Lineage). Results using synthetic viral DNA sequences show that the diagnostic test could take as fast as 30 minutes and detect up to picomolar concentrations of DNA strands. The next step for this project is to test the assay with synthetic viral RNA to verify the results. We envision that the implementation of this type of diagnostic test could allow faster responses to outbreaks of related viruses and quicker societal recovery.
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🖺 Full Text HTML: <a href="https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.06.12.128876v3" target="_blank">Room Temperature Isothermal Colorimetric Padlock Probe Rolling Circle Amplification for Viral RNA Detection</a>
<li data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>Intestinal organoids expose heterogeneity in SARS-CoV-2 susceptibility</strong> -
Organoids generated from primary human specimens facilitate investigation of the intestinal barrier by recreating the complex cellular composition of the epithelium. Although the significance remains unclear, intestinal organoid lines display heterogeneity in their growth and morphology. We hypothesized that organoids will also display variability in the degree to which they are susceptible to infectious agents. Using SARS-CoV-2 as a model, we found orders of magnitude differences in the amount of SARS-CoV-2 recovered from small intestinal and colonic organoids generated from different donors. SARS-CoV-2 burden did not correlate with demographic or clinical features associated with donors, but rather reflected the expression level of the virus receptor ACE2. Remarkably, organoid ACE2 transcript levels matched the amount of ACE2 detected in primary tissue from the same individual, indicating that certain properties of the intestinal epithelium are retained during ex vivo differentiation. Longitudinal transcriptomics of organoids identified a delayed yet robust interferon signature, the magnitude of which corresponded to the degree of SARS-CoV-2 infection. These results suggest that intestinal organoids display substantial heterogeneity in their ability to support viral infections and can potentially inform mechanisms behind interindividual differences in susceptibility to infectious disease.
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🖺 Full Text HTML: <a href="https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.07.16.452680v1" target="_blank">Intestinal organoids expose heterogeneity in SARS-CoV-2 susceptibility</a>
<li><strong>SARS-CoV-2 Antibody Lateral Flow Assay for antibody prevalence studies following vaccine roll out: a Diagnostic Accuracy Study</strong> -
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Background Lateral flow immunoassays (LFIAs) have the potential to deliver affordable, large scale antibody testing and provide rapid results without the support of central laboratories. As part of the development of the REACT programme extensive evaluation of LFIA performance was undertaken with individuals following natural infection. Here we assess the performance of the selected LFIA to detect antibody responses in individuals who have received at least one dose of SARS-CoV-2 vaccine. Methods This is a prospective diagnostic accuracy study. Setting Sampling was carried out at renal outpatient clinic and healthcare worker testing sites at Imperial College London NHS Trust. Laboratory analyses were performed across Imperial College London sites and university facilities. Participants Two cohorts of patients were recruited; the first was a cohort of 108 renal transplant patients attending clinic following SARS-CoV-2 vaccine booster, the second cohort comprised 40 healthcare workers attending for first SARS-CoV-2 vaccination, and 21 day follow up. A total of 186 paired samples were collected. Interventions During the participants visit, capillary blood samples were analysed on LFIA device, while paired venous sampling was sent for serological assessment of antibodies to the spike protein (anti-S) antibodies. Anti-S IgG were detected using the Abbott Architect SARS-CoV-2 IgG Quant II CMIA. Main outcome measures The accuracy of Fortress LFIA in detecting IgG antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 compared to anti-spike protein detection on Abbott Assay. Results Using the threshold value for positivity on serological testing of ≥7.10 BAU/ml, the overall performance of the test produces an estimate of sensitivity of 91.94% (95% CI 85.67% to 96.06%) and specificity of 93.55% (95% CI 84.30% to 98.21%) using the Abbott assay as reference standard. Conclusions Fortress LFIA performs well in the detection of antibody responses for intended purpose of population level surveys, but does not meet criteria for individual testing.
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🖺 Full Text HTML: <a href="https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.07.14.21260488v1" target="_blank">SARS-CoV-2 Antibody Lateral Flow Assay for antibody prevalence studies following vaccine roll out: a Diagnostic Accuracy Study</a>
<li><strong>SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern, Gamma (P.1) and Delta (B.1.617), sensitive detection and quantification in wastewater employing direct RT-qPCR</strong> -
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SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern present a worldwide threat. Demonstrating higher infection rate and durability to antibodies when compared to the original SARS-CoV-2 virus, the variants of concern are responsible for continuing global outbreaks. Prompt identification of the infecting SARS-CoV-2 variant is essential for pandemic assessment and containment. However, variant identification is mainly being performed using expensive, time-consuming next generation sequencing. Rapid identification methodology for variants of concern is of great need and various variant-specific assays are being developed. Amongst the variants of concern that have recently appeared, the Gamma variant (P.1, Brazilian) and Delta variant (B.1.617, Indian) are the most prominent. Here we describe the development of a sensitive RT-qPCR assay for the quick direct detection of the Gamma and Delta variants as part of a methodical characterization and detection in municipal wastewater.
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🖺 Full Text HTML: <a href="https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.07.14.21260495v1" target="_blank">SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern, Gamma (P.1) and Delta (B.1.617), sensitive detection and quantification in wastewater employing direct RT-qPCR</a>
<h1 data-aos="fade-right" id="from-clinical-trials">From Clinical Trials</h1>
<li data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>COVID-19 Vaccinations With a Sweepstakes</strong> - <b>Condition</b>:   Covid19<br/><b>Intervention</b>:   Behavioral: Philly Vax Sweepstakes<br/><b>Sponsors</b>:  <br/>
University of Pennsylvania;   Philadelphia Department of Public Health<br/><b>Active, not recruiting</b></p></li>
<li data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>Covid-19 Virtual Recovery Study</strong> - <b>Condition</b>:   Covid19<br/><b>Interventions</b>:   Behavioral: Strength RMT;   Behavioral: Strength RMT and nasal breathing;   Behavioral: Endurance RMT;   Behavioral: Endurance RMT and nasal breathing;   Behavioral: Low dose RMT<br/><b>Sponsor</b>:   Mayo Clinic<br/><b>Not yet recruiting</b></p></li>
<li data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>A Study of PF-07321332/Ritonavir in Nonhospitalized High Risk Adult Participants With COVID-19</strong> - <b>Condition</b>:   COVID-19<br/><b>Interventions</b>:   Drug: PF-07321332;   Drug: Ritonavir;   Drug: Placebo<br/><b>Sponsor</b>:   Pfizer<br/><b>Not yet recruiting</b></p></li>
<li data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>Building Resiliency and Vital Equity (BRAVE) Project: Understanding Native Americans Perceptions/Beliefs About COVID-19 Testing and Vaccination Study</strong> - <b>Condition</b>:   Covid19 Virus Infection<br/><b>Intervention</b>:   Behavioral: Protect Your Elders Campaign<br/><b>Sponsors</b>:   North Carolina Central University;   Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina;   University of North Carolina at Pembroke<br/><b>Recruiting</b></p></li>
<li data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>A Study to Evaluate MVC-COV1901 Vaccine Against COVID-19 in Adolescents</strong> - <b>Condition</b>:   Covid19 Vaccine<br/><b>Interventions</b>:   Biological: MVC-COV1901(S protein with adjuvant);   Biological: MVC-COV1901(Saline)<br/><b>Sponsor</b>:   Medigen Vaccine Biologics Corp.<br/><b>Not yet recruiting</b></p></li>
<li data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>Study on Sequential Immunization of Inactivated COVID-19 Vaccine and Recombinant COVID-19 Vaccine (Ad5 Vector)</strong> - <b>Condition</b>:   COVID-19<br/><b>Interventions</b>:   Biological: Recombinant SARS-CoV-2 Ad5 vectored vaccine;   Biological: Inactive SARS-CoV-2 vaccine (Vero cell)<br/><b>Sponsors</b>:   Jiangsu Province Centers for Disease Control and Prevention;   CanSino Biologics Inc.<br/><b>Not yet recruiting</b></p></li>
<li data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>Efficacy of Amantadine Treatment in COVID-19 Patients</strong> - <b>Condition</b>:   Patients With Moderate or Severe COVID-19<br/><b>Intervention</b>:   Drug: Amantadine<br/><b>Sponsors</b>:   Noblewell;   Medical Research Agency (ABM);   Leszek Giec Upper-Silesian Medical Centre of the Silesian Medical University in Katowice<br/><b>Recruiting</b></p></li>
<li data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>Internet-based Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation for Longterm COVID-19 Syndrome</strong> - <b>Condition</b>:   Long COVID-19<br/><b>Intervention</b>:   Behavioral: Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation<br/><b>Sponsors</b>:   Danderyd Hospital;   St Göran Hospital, Stockholm<br/><b>Recruiting</b></p></li>
<li data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>Enabling Family Physicians to Reduce Vaccine Hesitancy and Increase Covid-19 Vaccine Uptake</strong> - <b>Conditions</b>:   Covid19;   COVID-19 Vaccine<br/><b>Interventions</b>:  <br/>
Behavioral: Tailored COVID-19 vaccine messages;   Other: Other health messages<br/><b>Sponsors</b>:  <br/>
Hopital Montfort;   Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC);   Eastern Ontario Health Unit<br/><b>Not yet recruiting</b></p></li>
<li data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>A Different Use of The Aerosol Box in COVID-19 Patients; Internal Jugular Vein Cannulation</strong> - <b>Condition</b>:   COVID-19 Pneumonia<br/><b>Intervention</b>:   Procedure: Internal jugular vein cannulation<br/><b>Sponsor</b>:   Bakirkoy Dr. Sadi Konuk Research and Training Hospital<br/><b>Completed</b></p></li>
<li data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>Reconditioning Exercise for COVID-19 Patients Experiencing Residual sYmptoms</strong> - <b>Condition</b>:   Covid19<br/><b>Intervention</b>:   Other: Exercise Therapy<br/><b>Sponsor</b>:  <br/>
Wake Forest University Health Sciences<br/><b>Not yet recruiting</b></p></li>
<li data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>Lipid Emulsion Infusion and COVID-19 Patients</strong> - <b>Condition</b>:   Covid19<br/><b>Interventions</b>:   Drug: SMOFlipid;   Other: 0.9% saline<br/><b>Sponsor</b>:   Assiut University<br/><b>Recruiting</b></p></li>
<li data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>Short Term, High Dose Vitamin D Supplementation in Moderate to Severe COVID-19 Disease</strong> - <b>Condition</b>:   Covid19<br/><b>Intervention</b>:   Drug: cholecalciferol 6 lakh IU<br/><b>Sponsor</b>:  <br/>
Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research<br/><b>Not yet recruiting</b></p></li>
<li data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>Immunogenicity and Safety of an Inactivated COVID-19 Vaccine</strong> - <b>Condition</b>:   COVID-19<br/><b>Interventions</b>:   Biological: Inactivated COVID-19 Vaccine;   Biological: 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine;   Biological: Inactivated Hepatitis A Vaccine<br/><b>Sponsor</b>:  <br/>
Sinovac Research and Development Co., Ltd.<br/><b>Not yet recruiting</b></p></li>
<li data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>Phase 1 Intranasal Parainfluenza Virus Type 5-SARS CoV-2 S Vaccine in Healthy Adults</strong> - <b>Condition</b>:   Covid19<br/><b>Interventions</b>:   Biological: CVXGA1 low dose;   Biological: CVXGA1 high dose<br/><b>Sponsor</b>:   CyanVac LLC<br/><b>Not yet recruiting</b></p></li>
<h1 data-aos="fade-right" id="from-pubmed">From PubMed</h1>
<li data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>Identification of potential plant bioactive as SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein and human ACE2 fusion inhibitors</strong> - The Spike receptor binding domain (S-RBD) from SARS-CoV-2, a crucial protein for the entrance of the virus into target cells is known to cause infection by binding to a cell surface protein. Hence, reckoning therapeutics for the S-RBD of SARS-CoV-2 may address a significant way to target viral entry into the host cells. Herein, through in-silico approaches (Molecular docking, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, and end-state thermodynamics), we aimed to screen natural molecules from different…</p></li>
<li data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>System-oriented optimization of multi-target 2,6-diaminopurine derivatives: Easily accessible broad-spectrum antivirals active against flaviviruses, influenza virus and SARS-CoV-2</strong> - The worldwide circulation of different viruses coupled with the increased frequency and diversity of new outbreaks, strongly highlight the need for new antiviral drugs to quickly react against potential pandemic pathogens. Broad- spectrum antiviral agents (BSAAs) represent the ideal option for a prompt response against multiple viruses, new and re- emerging. Starting from previously identified anti-flavivirus hits, we report herein the identification of promising BSAAs by submitting the…</p></li>
<li data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>A SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibody selected from COVID-19 patients binds to the ACE2-RBD interface and is tolerant to most known RBD mutations</strong> - The novel betacoronavirus severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) causes a form of severe pneumonia disease called coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). To develop human neutralizing anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies, antibody gene libraries from convalescent COVID-19 patients were constructed and recombinant antibody fragments (scFv) against the receptor-binding domain (RBD) of the spike protein were selected by phage display. The antibody STE90-C11 shows a subnanometer IC(50) in a…</p></li>
<li data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>Redox-Mediated Artificial Non-Enzymatic Antioxidant MXene Nanoplatforms for Acute Kidney Injury Alleviation</strong> - Acute kidney injury (AKI), as a common oxidative stress-related renal disease, causes high mortality in clinics annually, and many other clinical diseases, including the pandemic COVID-19, have a high potential to cause AKI, yet only rehydration, renal dialysis, and other supportive therapies are available for AKI in the clinics. Nanotechnology- mediated antioxidant therapy represents a promising therapeutic strategy for AKI treatment. However, current enzyme- mimicking nanoantioxidants show poor…</p></li>
<li data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>In vitro efficacy of artemisinin-based treatments against SARS-CoV-2</strong> - Effective and affordable treatments for patients suffering from coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), are needed. We report in vitro efficacy of Artemisia annua extracts as well as artemisinin, artesunate, and artemether against SARS-CoV-2. The latter two are approved active pharmaceutical ingredients of anti-malarial drugs. Concentration-response antiviral treatment assays, based on immunostaining of SARS-CoV-2 spike…</p></li>
<li data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>Cell therapy in patients with COVID-19 using Whartons jelly mesenchymal stem cells: a phase 1 clinical trial</strong> - CONCLUSIONS: In patients, the trend of tests was generally improving, and we experienced a reduction in inflammation. No serious complications were observed in patients except the headache in one of them, which was resolved without medication. In this study, we found that patients with severe COVID-19 in the inflammatory phase respond better to cell therapy. More extensive clinical trials should be performed in this regard.</p></li>
<li data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>Natto extract, a Japanese fermented soybean food, directly inhibits viral infections including SARS-CoV-2 in vitro</strong> - Natto, a traditional Japanese fermented soybean food, is well known to be nutritious and beneficial for health. In this study, we examined whether natto impairs infection by viruses, such as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) as well as bovine herpesvirus 1 (BHV-1). Interestingly, our results show that both SARS-CoV-2 and BHV-1 treated with a natto extract were fully inhibited infection to the cells. We also found that the glycoprotein D of BHV-1 was shown to be…</p></li>
<li data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>A head-to-head comparison of the inhibitory activities of 15 peptidomimetic SARS-CoV-2 3CLpro inhibitors</strong> - The COVID-19 pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2 has created an unprecedented global health emergency. As of July 2021, only three antiviral therapies have been approved by the FDA for treating infected patients, highlighting the urgent need for more antiviral drugs. The SARS-CoV-2 3CL protease (3CLpro) is deemed an attractive drug target due to its essential role in viral polyprotein processing and pathogenesis. Indeed, a number of peptidomimetic 3CLpro inhibitors armed with electrophilic warheads…</p></li>
<li data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>SARS-CoV-2 variant B.1.617 is resistant to bamlanivimab and evades antibodies induced by infection and vaccination</strong> - The emergence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) variants threatens efforts to contain the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. The number of COVID-19 cases and deaths in India has risen steeply, and a SARS-CoV-2 variant, B.1.617, is believed to be responsible for many of these cases. The spike protein of B.1.617 harbors two mutations in the receptor binding domain, which interacts with the angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor and constitutes the…</p></li>
<li data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>Mutants of human ACE2 differentially promote SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 spike mediated infection</strong> - SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 encode spike proteins that bind human ACE2 on the cell surface to enter target cells during infection. A small fraction of humans encode variants of ACE2, thus altering the biochemical properties at the protein interaction interface. These and other ACE2 coding mutants can reveal how the spike proteins of each virus may differentially engage the ACE2 protein surface during infection. We created an engineered HEK 293T cell line for facile stable transgenic modification,…</p></li>
<li data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>Biochemical characterization of protease activity of Nsp3 from SARS-CoV-2 and its inhibition by nanobodies</strong> - Of the 16 non-structural proteins (Nsps) encoded by SARS CoV-2, Nsp3 is the largest and plays important roles in the viral life cycle. Being a large, multidomain, transmembrane protein, Nsp3 has been the most challenging Nsp to characterize. Encoded within Nsp3 is the papain-like protease domain (PLpro) that cleaves not only the viral polypeptide but also K48-linked polyubiquitin and the ubiquitin-like modifier, ISG15, from host cell proteins. We here compare the interactors of PLpro and Nsp3…</p></li>
<li data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>The role of PCSK9 in infectious diseases</strong> - CONCLUSION: Besides the ongoing investigation on PCSK9 inhibition among HIV-infected patients to treat HIV- and ART- related hyperlipidemia, preclinical studies indicate how PCSK9 is involved in reducing the replication of HCV. Interestingly, high plasmatic PCSK9 levels have been described in patients with sepsis. Moreover, a protective role of PCSK9 inhibition has also been proposed against dengue and SARS-CoV-2 viral infections. Finally, a loss of function in the PCSK9-encoding gene has been…</p></li>
<li data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>In vitro inhibition and molecular docking of a new ciprofloxacin chalcone against SARS-CoV-2 main protease</strong> - CONCLUSION: The new chalcone might be useful and has new insights for the inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 M^(pro) .</p></li>
<li data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>Evaluation of intranasal nafamostat or camostat for SARS-CoV-2 chemoprophylaxis in Syrian golden hamsters</strong> - Successful development of a chemoprophylaxis against SARS-CoV-2 could provide a tool for infection prevention implementable alongside vaccination programmes. Camostat and nafamostat are serine protease inhibitors that inhibit SARS-CoV-2 viral entry in vitro but have not been characterised for chemoprophylaxis in animal models. Clinically, nafamostat is limited to intravenous delivery and while camostat is orally available, both drugs have extremely short plasma half-lives. This study sought to…</p></li>
<li data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>Frontier Therapeutics and Vaccine Strategies for SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19): A Review</strong> - COVID-19 is considered as the third human coronavirus and has a high potential for transmission. Fast public health interventions through antibodies, anti-virals or novel vaccine strategies to control the virus and disease transmission have been extremely followed. SARS-CoV-2 shares about 79% genomic similarity with SARS-CoV and approximately 50% with MERS-CoV. Based on these similarities, prior knowledge in treating SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV can be used as the basis of majority of the alternatives…</p></li>
<h1 data-aos="fade-right" id="from-patent-search">From Patent Search</h1>
<li><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>A SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR COVID- 19 DIAGNOSIS USING DETECTION RESULTS FROM CHEST X- RAY IMAGES</strong> - - <a href="https://patentscope.wipo.int/search/en/detail.jsf?docId=AU330927328">link</a></p></li>
<li><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>Advanced Machine Learning System combating COVID-19 virus Detection, Spread, Prevention and Medical Assistance.</strong> - - <a href="https://patentscope.wipo.int/search/en/detail.jsf?docId=AU329799475">link</a></p></li>
<li><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>Differential detection kit for common SARS-CoV-2 variants in COVID-19 patients</strong> - - <a href="https://patentscope.wipo.int/search/en/detail.jsf?docId=AU328840861">link</a></p></li>
<li><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>一种新型冠状病毒的mRNA疫苗</strong> - 本发明公开了一种新型冠状病毒的mRNA疫苗。本发明提供的疫苗其活性成分为mRNA如序列表的序列6所示。本发明还保护TFRBD蛋白如序列表的序列2所示。本发明的发明人通过一系列序列设计和序列优化得到了特异DNA分子进一步构建了特异重组质粒将特异重组质粒进行体外转录可以得到多聚化TFRBD mRNA。进一步的发明人制备了负载TFRBD mRNA的脂质纳米粒。本发明对于新型冠状病毒的防控具有重大的应用推广价值。 - <a href="https://patentscope.wipo.int/search/en/detail.jsf?docId=CN330068008">link</a></p></li>
<li><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>新型冠状病毒B117英国突变株RBD的基因及其应用</strong> - 本发明属于生物技术领域具体涉及新型冠状病毒B117英国突变株RBD的基因及其应用。本发明的新型冠状病毒B117英国突变株RBD的基因其核苷酸序列如SEQ ID NO.1或SEQ ID NO.6所示。本发明通过优化野生型新型冠状病毒B117英国突变株RBD的基因序列并结合筛选确定了相对最佳序列优化后序列产生的克隆表达效率比野生型新型冠状病毒B117英国突变株RBD序列表达效率大幅提高从而本发明的新型冠状病毒B117英国突变株RBD的基因更有利于用于制备新型冠状病毒疫苗。 - <a href="https://patentscope.wipo.int/search/en/detail.jsf?docId=CN330068024">link</a></p></li>
<li><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>SARS-CoV-2 anti-viral therapeutic</strong> - - <a href="https://patentscope.wipo.int/search/en/detail.jsf?docId=AU327160071">link</a></p></li>
<li><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>一种基于联邦学习的多用户协同训练人流统计方法及系统</strong> - 本发明提供一种基于联邦学习的多用户协同训练人流统计方法旨在利用联邦学习框架搭建一个新颖的人群计数模型达到让多用户多设备同时训练的目的。各个客户端利用图像数据集对图像分类网络进行本地训练以获取本地模型在各经过至少一次本地训练后中心服务器从客户端获取本地模型的权值及附加层参数并进行聚合处理中心服务器利用聚合处理后的权值及附加层参数更新全局模型并将聚合处理后的权值参数及附加层参数返回给各个客户端各个客户端利用中心服务器返回的权值以及ground truth值进行贝叶斯估计计算loss值并利用返回的权值参数及附加层参数更新本地模型重复执行直至所有客户端的loss值均收敛则完成人流统计全局模型和本地模型的训练。 - <a href="https://patentscope.wipo.int/search/en/detail.jsf?docId=CN329978461">link</a></p></li>
<li><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>A POLYHERBAL ALCOHOL FREE FORMULATION FOR ORAL CAVITY</strong> - The present invention generally relates to a herbal composition. Specifically, the present invention relates to a polyherbal alcohol free composition comprising of Glycyrrhiza glabra root extract, Ocimum sanctum leaf extract, Elettaria cardamomum fruit extract, Mentha spicata (Spearmint) oil and Tween 80 and method of preparation thereof. The polyherbal alcohol free composition of the present invention possesses excellent antimicrobial properties and useful for oral cavity. - <a href="https://patentscope.wipo.int/search/en/detail.jsf?docId=IN325690740">link</a></p></li>
<li><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>新型冠状病毒B.1.351南非突变株RBD的基因及其应用</strong> - 本发明属于生物技术领域具体涉及新型冠状病毒B.1.351南非突变株RBD的基因及其应用。本发明的新型冠状病毒B.1.351南非突变株RBD的基因其核苷酸序列如SEQIDNO.1或SEQIDNO.6所示。本发明通过优化野生型新型冠状病毒南非B.1.351南非突变株RBD的基因序列并结合筛选确定了相对最佳序列优化后序列产生的克隆表达效率比野生型新型冠状病毒B.1.351南非突变株RBD序列表达效率大幅提高从而本发明的新型冠状病毒B.1.351南非突变株RBD的基因可以用于制备新型冠状病毒疫苗。 - <a href="https://patentscope.wipo.int/search/en/detail.jsf?docId=CN328990628">link</a></p></li>
<li><p data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-anchor-placement="bottom-bottom"><strong>检测新型冠状病毒中和抗体的试剂盒及其应用</strong> - 本发明涉及生物技术领域具体而言提供了一种检测新型冠状病毒中和抗体的试剂盒及其应用。本发明提供的检测新型冠状病毒中和抗体试剂盒具体包括ab两种方案a示踪物标记的RBD三聚体抗原包被在固体支持物上的ACE2以及含有0.210mg/mL十二烷基二甲基甜菜碱的工作液b示踪物标记的ACE2包被在固体支持物上的RBD三聚体抗原以及含有0.210mg/mL十二烷基二甲基甜菜碱的工作液其中RBD三聚体抗原利用二硫键将刺突蛋白的RBD与S2亚基完全交联得到。十二烷基二甲基甜菜碱会显著提高RBD三聚体抗原与新冠中和性抗体结合速度提升阳性样本平均发光强度缩短检测时间。 - <a href="https://patentscope.wipo.int/search/en/detail.jsf?docId=CN328990376">link</a></p></li>