2020-07-06 14:28:06 +01:00
import mysql.connector as con
debug = False
host = "navanspi.duckdns.org"
done = 1
if debug != False:
host = ""
done = 0
mycon = con.connect(host=host,user="curieweb",password="curie-web-russian-54",port=3306,database="curie")
mycursor = mycon.cursor()
mycursor.execute("create table curieweb ( id varchar(16) primary key, email nvarchar(255) NOT NULL, protein LONGBLOB NOT NULL, protein_name VARCHAR(255), ligand_pdbqt LONGBLOB, ligand_smile VARCHAR(255), ligand_name VARCHAR(255), config LONGBLOB NOT NULL, date DATE, description VARCHAR(255), done TINYINT DEFAULT 0)")
except con.ProgrammingError:
print("Table Already Exists!")
# mycursor.execute("insert into curieweb values (1,'navanchauhan@gmail.com','lu.pdbqt','test.pdbqt','owo.txt',CURDATE(),'CURIE WEB TASK',0)")
#except con.IntegrityError:
# print("Duplicate Entry For Primary Key!")
from random import choice, shuffle
from string import digits, ascii_lowercase
def gen_word(N, min_N_dig, min_N_low):
choose_from = [digits]*min_N_dig + [ascii_lowercase]*min_N_low
choose_from.extend([digits + ascii_lowercase] * (N-min_N_low-min_N_dig))
chars = [choice(bet) for bet in choose_from]
return ''.join(chars)
def convertToBinaryData(filename):
with open(filename, 'rb') as file:
binaryData = file.read()
return binaryData
from os.path import basename
ligand = convertToBinaryData("./static/uploads/ligands/test.pdbqt")
receptor = convertToBinaryData("static/uploads/receptor/lu.pdbqt")
config = convertToBinaryData("static/uploads/configs/owo.txt")
ligandName = "Eucalyptol"
receptorName = "6LU7"
sqlQuery = "insert into curieweb (id, email, protein, protein_name, ligand_pdbqt, ligand_name,date, config,done) values (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,CURDATE(),%s,%s) "
jobID = gen_word(16, 1, 1)
print("Succesfuly submitted Job ID:",jobID)
insert_tuple = (jobID,"navanchauhan@gmail.com",receptor,receptorName,ligand,ligandName,config,done)
except con.IntegrityError:
print("Oops, Collision occured. Generating new Job ID and trying again.")
jobID = gen_word(16, 1, 1)
insert_tuple = (jobID,"navanchauhan@gmail.com",receptor,receptorName,ligand,ligandName,config,done)
2020-07-07 06:46:11 +01:00
print("Removing Test Query")
q = 'delete from curieweb where id="%s"' % (jobID)
2020-07-06 14:28:06 +01:00
print("Database working perfectly")