2020-08-29 14:55:45 +01:00
import argparse
import logging
import multiprocessing
import os
import sys
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from collections import namedtuple
import mysql . connector as con
2020-09-27 09:40:20 +01:00
from misc . common import get3DModel , CopyContentOfFolder , RemoveAllFilesMatching
2020-09-26 20:41:23 +01:00
from misc . email import email
2020-09-27 09:40:20 +01:00
from misc . config import iniConfig
2020-09-08 15:33:41 +01:00
2020-09-11 14:07:16 +01:00
mycon = con . connect ( host = iniConfig [ ' DATABASE ' ] [ ' HOST ' ] , user = iniConfig [ ' DATABASE ' ] [ ' USER ' ] , password = iniConfig [ ' DATABASE ' ] [ ' PASSWORD ' ] , port = iniConfig [ ' DATABASE ' ] [ ' PORT ' ] , database = iniConfig [ ' DATABASE ' ] [ ' NAME ' ] )
2020-08-29 14:55:45 +01:00
mycursor = mycon . cursor ( )
sql_select_Query = " SELECT id,email,pdb,ligand_smile,ligand_name,description,date FROM curieweb WHERE pdb IS NOT NULL AND done=0 LIMIT 1 "
mycursor . execute ( sql_select_Query )
records = mycursor . fetchall ( )
if records == [ ] :
print ( " Empty Set 😳 " )
print ( " No active task, exitting gracefully " )
exit ( 0 )
records = records [ 0 ]
print ( " Importing PLIP.. " , end = " " )
from plip . basic import config , logger
from plip . basic . config import __version__
from plip . basic . parallel import parallel_fn
from plip . basic . remote import VisualizerData
from plip . exchange . webservices import fetch_pdb
from plip . structure . preparation import create_folder_if_not_exists , extract_pdbid
from plip . structure . preparation import tilde_expansion , PDBComplex
print ( " .Done " )
def download_structure ( inputpdbid ) :
""" Given a PDB ID, downloads the corresponding PDB structure.
Checks for validity of ID and handles error while downloading .
Returns the path of the downloaded file . """
try :
if len ( inputpdbid ) != 4 or extract_pdbid ( inputpdbid . lower ( ) ) == ' UnknownProtein ' :
logger . error ( f ' invalid PDB-ID (wrong format): { inputpdbid } ' )
sys . exit ( 1 )
pdbfile , pdbid = fetch_pdb ( inputpdbid . lower ( ) )
pdbpath = tilde_expansion ( ' %s / %s .pdb ' % ( config . BASEPATH . rstrip ( ' / ' ) , pdbid ) )
create_folder_if_not_exists ( config . BASEPATH )
with open ( pdbpath , ' w ' ) as g :
g . write ( pdbfile )
return pdbpath , pdbid
except ValueError : # Invalid PDB ID, cannot fetch from RCBS server
logger . error ( f ' PDB-ID does not exist: { inputpdbid } ' )
sys . exit ( 1 )
def bounding_box ( receptor , residues ) :
try :
import pymol2
except ImportError :
raise ImportError ( " Failed to import PyMOL " )
session = pymol2 . PyMOL ( )
session . start ( )
cmd = session . cmd
cmd . load ( pdbpath , " target " )
cmd . select ( " box " , ( selectionResidues ) )
extent = 5
( [ minX , minY , minZ ] , [ maxX , maxY , maxZ ] ) = cmd . get_extent ( " box " )
minX = minX - float ( extent )
minY = minY - float ( extent )
minZ = minZ - float ( extent )
maxX = maxX + float ( extent )
maxY = maxY + float ( extent )
maxZ = maxZ + float ( extent )
SizeX = maxX - minX
SizeY = maxY - minY
SizeZ = maxZ - minZ
CenterX = ( maxX + minX ) / 2
CenterY = ( maxY + minY ) / 2
CenterZ = ( maxZ + minZ ) / 2
session . stop ( )
return { " size_x " : SizeX , " size_y " : SizeY , " size_z " : SizeZ , " center_x " : CenterX , " center_y " : CenterY , " center_z " : CenterZ }
2020-08-30 17:54:16 +01:00
2020-08-29 14:55:45 +01:00
def removeWater ( pdbpath ) :
import pymol2
session = pymol2 . PyMOL ( )
session . start ( )
cmd = session . cmd
cmd . load ( pdbpath , " target " )
cmd . remove ( ' resn HOH ' )
cmd . save ( pdbpath , " target " )
session . stop ( )
def getResidues ( pdbpath ) :
mol = PDBComplex ( )
mol . load_pdb ( pdbpath )
for ligand in mol . ligands :
mol . characterize_complex ( ligand )
residues = [ ]
for x in range ( len ( mol . interaction_sets ) ) :
if len ( mol . interaction_sets [ list ( mol . interaction_sets . keys ( ) ) [ x ] ] . interacting_res ) != 0 :
residues . append ( mol . interaction_sets [ list ( mol . interaction_sets . keys ( ) ) [ x ] ] . interacting_res )
print ( residues )
return residues
def get_select_command ( residues , allResidues = False ) :
residues . sort ( key = len , reverse = True )
selectionResidues = " "
allRes = [ ]
if len ( residues ) == 0 :
#print("what the frick, no interacting ligands???")
print ( " We could not find any binding sites within the structure. " )
else :
for x in residues :
selectionResidues = " "
for y in x :
selectionResidues + = ' resi ' + y . replace ( " A " , " " ) + ' + '
allRes . append ( selectionResidues . strip ( ) [ : - 1 ] . strip ( ) )
if allResidues == False :
return allRes [ 0 ]
return allRes
def convert_pdb_pdbqt ( pdbpath ) :
import oddt
from oddt . docking . AutodockVina import write_vina_pdbqt
print ( pdbpath )
try :
receptor = next ( oddt . toolkit . readfile ( " pdb " , pdbpath . split ( " ./ " ) [ 1 ] ) )
# remove zero order bonds from metals
for atom in receptor :
if atom . atomicnum == 30 : # Atomic num of treated metals
for bond in atom . bonds :
print ( " del " )
receptor . OBMol . DeleteBond ( bond . OBBond )
receptor . calccharges ( )
except Exception :
print ( " Molecule failed to charge, falling back to RDKit " )
receptor = next ( oddt . toolkits . rdk . readfile ( " pdb " , pdbpath . split ( " ./ " ) [ 1 ] ) )
receptor . calccharges ( )
path = write_vina_pdbqt ( receptor , ' ./ ' , flexible = False )
return path
inPDB = records [ 2 ]
jobID = records [ 0 ]
toaddr = records [ 1 ]
description = records [ 5 ]
date = records [ 6 ]
cd = os . getcwd ( )
2020-09-27 16:43:31 +01:00
print ( " Curie-Web Directory is: " , cd )
2020-08-29 14:55:45 +01:00
f = os . path . join ( cd , " static/uploads " )
2020-09-22 08:58:48 +01:00
scripts = os . path . join ( cd , " scripts " )
2020-08-30 12:15:47 +01:00
reportDirectory = os . path . join ( f , " reports " )
2020-08-30 17:54:16 +01:00
modelDirectory = os . path . join ( f , " 3DModels " )
2020-08-29 14:55:45 +01:00
import tempfile
2020-09-22 08:58:48 +01:00
from shutil import make_archive , copyfile , copy
2020-08-29 14:55:45 +01:00
import time
2020-09-26 20:41:23 +01:00
2020-08-29 14:55:45 +01:00
with tempfile . TemporaryDirectory ( ) as directory :
print ( ' The created temporary directory is %s ' % directory )
os . chdir ( directory )
2020-09-26 20:41:23 +01:00
try :
pdbpath , pdbid = download_structure ( inPDB )
except :
reason = " Could not download PDB with the id " + str ( inPDB ) + " . "
email ( toaddr , jobID , date , description , reason = reason )
mycursor . execute ( ' UPDATE curieweb set done=1 where id= " %s " ' % ( jobID ) )
mycon . commit ( )
sys . exit ( 0 )
2020-08-29 14:55:45 +01:00
residues = getResidues ( pdbpath )
2020-09-26 20:41:23 +01:00
try :
selectionResidues = get_select_command ( residues , allResidues = False )
except IndexError :
reason = " Could not find binding site automatically. "
email ( toaddr , jobID , date , description , reason = reason )
mycursor . execute ( ' UPDATE curieweb set done=1 where id= " %s " ' % ( jobID ) )
mycon . commit ( )
sys . exit ( 0 )
2020-08-29 14:55:45 +01:00
removeWater ( pdbpath )
config = bounding_box ( pdbpath , selectionResidues )
print ( " Configuration: " , config )
pdbqt = convert_pdb_pdbqt ( pdbpath )
configuration = " size_x= {} \n size_y= {} \n size_z= {} \n center_x= {} \n center_y= {} \n center_z= {} " . format ( config [ " size_x " ] , config [ " size_y " ] , config [ " size_z " ] , config [ " center_x " ] , config [ " center_y " ] , config [ " center_z " ] )
with open ( " config.txt " , " w " ) as file :
file . write ( configuration )
os . system ( ' obabel -: " %s " --gen3d -opdbqt -O %s .pdbqt ' % ( records [ 3 ] , records [ 4 ] ) )
2020-09-11 14:07:16 +01:00
print ( " Ligand: " , records [ 4 ] )
print ( str ( records [ 4 ] + " .pdbqt " ) )
2020-09-22 08:58:48 +01:00
CopyContentOfFolder ( scripts , directory )
os . system ( " ./main.sh -r %s -l %s -c config.txt -dpi " % ( pdbqt , str ( records [ 4 ] + " .pdbqt " ) ) )
#os.system("docker run --rm -v ${PWD}:/results -w /results -u $(id -u ${USER}):$(id -g ${USER}) navanchauhan/curie-cli -r %s -l %s -c config.txt -dpi" % (pdbqt,str(records[4]+".pdbqt")))
RemoveAllFilesMatching ( directory , " .py " )
RemoveAllFilesMatching ( directory , " .sh " )
2020-08-29 14:55:45 +01:00
z = " Curie_Web_Result_ " + str ( jobID )
zi = os . path . join ( f , z )
make_archive ( zi , ' zip ' , directory )
2020-09-26 20:41:23 +01:00
try :
copyfile ( " report.pdf " , os . path . join ( reportDirectory , ( str ( jobID ) + " .pdf " ) ) )
2020-09-26 20:44:19 +01:00
except FileNotFoundError :
2020-09-27 16:43:31 +01:00
reason = " Could not generate the PDF report, this could be because of a failed docking job. Please check the ZIP archive for the configuration and converted PDBQTs and try submitting manually. "
2020-09-26 20:41:23 +01:00
email ( toaddr , jobID , date , description , zipArchive = zi , reason = reason )
mycursor . execute ( ' UPDATE curieweb set done=1 where id= " %s " ' % ( jobID ) )
mycon . commit ( )
sys . exit ( 0 )
2020-09-27 16:43:31 +01:00
2020-09-26 20:41:23 +01:00
try :
get3DModel ( pdbpath , " %s _out.pdbqt " % ( records [ 4 ] ) )
except :
2020-09-27 16:43:31 +01:00
email ( toaddr , jobID , date , description , zipArchive = zi )
2020-09-26 20:41:23 +01:00
mycursor . execute ( ' UPDATE curieweb set done=1 where id= " %s " ' % ( jobID ) )
mycon . commit ( )
sys . exit ( 0 )
2020-09-27 16:43:31 +01:00
get3DModel ( pdbpath , " %s _out.pdbqt " % ( records [ 4 ] ) )
2020-08-30 18:19:17 +01:00
os . system ( " collada2gltf -i model.dae -o model.gltf " )
2020-08-30 17:54:16 +01:00
copyfile ( " model.gltf " , os . path . join ( modelDirectory , ( str ( jobID ) + " .gltf " ) ) )
2020-09-01 16:06:43 +01:00
arch = os . popen ( " uname -m " ) . read ( )
2020-09-22 08:58:48 +01:00
print ( " Generating 3D Model " )
2020-09-01 16:06:43 +01:00
if " x86 " in arch :
2020-09-27 16:43:31 +01:00
os . system ( " docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/usr/app leon/usd-from-gltf:latest model.gltf model.usdz " )
2020-09-01 16:06:43 +01:00
elif " aarch64 " in arch :
2020-09-27 16:43:31 +01:00
os . system ( " docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/usr/app navanchauhan/usd-from-gltf:latest model.gltf model.usdz " )
2020-08-31 09:21:05 +01:00
try :
copyfile ( " model.usdz " , os . path . join ( modelDirectory , ( str ( jobID ) + " .usdz " ) ) )
except :
print ( " Could not generate USDZ file " )
2020-09-26 20:41:23 +01:00
email ( toaddr , jobID , date , description , zipArchive = zi )
2020-08-29 14:55:45 +01:00
mycursor . execute ( ' UPDATE curieweb set done=1 where id= " %s " ' % ( jobID ) )
mycon . commit ( )